发布时间:2018-06-06 15:43
本文选题:域名争议 + 规则比较 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:近些年随着互联网技术的进一步发展,域名技术也已经运用到更为广阔的空间。《中国互联网域名管理办法》对域名定义是:“域名是互联网络上识别和定位计算机的层次结构式的字符表示,与该计算机的互联网协议(IP)地址相对应。中文域名是含有中文文字的域名”按照目前实务界的通说,域名产生的目的是为了便于普通访问者的记忆及访问。但因为线上域名具有稀缺性、排他性、标识性等特点,容易与线下商标、商号等传统民事权利发生冲突和争议。当两者发生冲突时如何解决?域名投诉人与域名持有人发生争议时如何解决?这是一个关系到各方利益的重大问题。域名和商标、商号等是分属不同体系下的概念,传统社会重视对商标权、商号权等民事权益的保护,而在互联网领域也要注意到网络自身特点的保护。于是针对各类涉及域名归属的纠纷,按照域名不同等级划分可分为不同的纠纷解决机制,目前主流解决规则是分为:1、统一域名裁决规则(UDRP);2、中国域名裁决规则(CNDRP)。这两种域名裁决机制存在许多共同点,也存在各自不同点,,在具体的案例适用中也可能产生截然相反的结果。笔者尝试分析其规则特点,结合具体实务案例进行分析,并汇总域名争议实务界的主流观点,对UDRP规则及CNDRP规则进行对比,同时着重具体分析CNDRP的程序性及实体性规则,并对我国域名争议解决规则的完善提出一些建议。 本文共分为以下四部分: 第一部分是对域名理论简要介绍,主要介绍了域名产生的背景渊源、域名的结构特点。 第二部分对域名争议产生的原因及域名争议的主要表现形式进行阐述。 第三部分对国际上两个主流的域名争议解决机制(UDRP与CNDRP)从各自形成背景、主要特点,以及具体规则进行多方面的比较对比。 第四部分专门针对我国域名争议解决专有机制实践问题探讨,分别从制度的程序性问题和实体性问题两方面进行探讨,并对我国域名争议解决专有机制的完善提出几点建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the further development of Internet technology, Domain name technology has also been applied to a wider space. The Chinese Internet Domain name Management method defines domain name as: "Domain name is a hierarchical character representation for identifying and locating computers on the Internet." Corresponds to the IP address of the computer. Chinese domain name is a domain name with Chinese characters. However, the online domain name is characterized by scarcity, exclusiveness, marking, and so on, which conflicts and disputes with traditional civil rights such as offline trademark and trade name. How to resolve the conflict when there is a conflict between the two? How to resolve the dispute between domain name complainant and domain name holder? This is a major issue related to the interests of all parties. Domain name, trademark, trade name are different concepts under different systems. The traditional society attaches importance to the protection of civil rights and interests, such as trademark rights, trade name rights and so on, but in the field of Internet, we should also pay attention to the protection of the characteristics of the network itself. As a result, according to different grades of domain name, it can be divided into different dispute resolution mechanisms for various disputes involving domain name ownership. At present, the mainstream settlement rules are divided into one: one, the unified domain name adjudication rule is UDRP/ 2, and the Chinese domain name adjudication rule is CNDRPU. There are many similarities and differences between these two kinds of domain name adjudication mechanisms, which may produce opposite results in specific cases. The author tries to analyze the characteristics of the rules, combined with specific practical cases to analyze, and summarizes the mainstream views of domain name disputes, compares the UDRP rules with the CNDRP rules, and focuses on the specific analysis of the procedural and substantive rules of CNDRP. And put forward some suggestions to perfect the rules of domain name dispute settlement in our country. This paper is divided into the following four parts: The first part is a brief introduction to the domain name theory, mainly introduces the background origin of domain name, the structure characteristic of domain name. The second part expounds the causes of domain name disputes and the main forms of domain name disputes. The third part compares UDRP and CNDRP from their background, main characteristics and specific rules. The fourth part is devoted to the practice of domain name dispute resolution mechanism in China, from the procedural and substantive aspects of the system, and put forward some suggestions for the perfection of the proprietary domain name dispute resolution mechanism in China.
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