本文选题:行政腐败 + 预防机制 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:行政腐败存在多种类型,如行政立法腐败、行政决策腐败、行政执法腐败等,并有向集体腐败、高层次腐败的方向发展的趋势。产生这些现象的原因是多方面的,主要有四个基本原因,包括:行政主体的利益需求成因、国家政治体制成因、国家经济体制成因、社会思想文化成因。党的十八大以后,在新的形势下,通过研究行政腐败的特点,可为反腐败的新特点新措施提供相应的指导。 本文通过对行政腐败的本质、特征、类型及其产生原因的分析,最主要是从目前反腐制度的不足之处着手,借鉴国内外防治腐败的先进经验,总结性地提出了具有战略性意义的反腐败对策措施,即构建事前预防制度、权力运行的制约监督制度、违纪违法惩戒制度三者互补的全方位综合性的防治行政腐败体系。预防制度主要包括深化公务员工资制度改革、促进政务公开、制定《行政程序法》,缩小行政审批事项及规范行政审批程序等方面;权力运行的监督制度中强调国家机构与民众相互合作的立体监督体系,特别应该重视新闻网络反腐的重大作用,完善政府作为与民间反腐现结合的制度建设;违纪违法的惩戒制度主要强调了创新纪律检查体制建设,,完善各项法律法规建设,加大打击力度,创新侦查手段,以促进腐败案件的高效率查处。力求从事前、事中、事后等方面构建防治腐败的战略性体系,推动我国的廉政制度建设和法治政府目标的实现。
[Abstract]:There are many kinds of administrative corruption, such as administrative legislation corruption, administrative decision-making corruption, administrative law enforcement corruption, etc. There are four basic reasons for these phenomena, including: the cause of interest demand of administrative subject, the cause of national political system, the cause of national economic system, and the cause of social ideology and culture. After the 18th National Congress of the Party, under the new situation, by studying the characteristics of administrative corruption, we can provide corresponding guidance for the new features and measures of anti-corruption. This paper analyzes the nature, characteristics, types and causes of administrative corruption. Starting from the shortcomings of the current anti-corruption system and drawing lessons from the advanced experience of preventing and controlling corruption at home and abroad, the paper sums up the strategic countermeasures against corruption, that is, the construction of a pre-prevention system. The system of restraining and supervising the operation of power and the system of discipline violation and disciplinary punishment complement each other to prevent and control administrative corruption. The prevention system mainly includes deepening the reform of civil servants' wage system, promoting the openness of government affairs, making the Administrative procedure Law, reducing the administrative examination and approval items and standardizing the administrative examination and approval procedure. In the supervision system of power operation, it emphasizes the three-dimensional supervision system of the cooperation between the state agencies and the public, especially should attach importance to the important role of the news network anti-corruption, and perfect the government as the system construction which combines with the folk anti-corruption; In order to promote the efficient investigation and punishment of corruption cases, the disciplinary system mainly emphasizes the innovation of discipline inspection system, the improvement of the construction of laws and regulations, the intensification of crackdown and the innovation of investigative techniques. In order to promote the construction of clean government system and the realization of the goal of the government ruled by law, we should build a strategic system to prevent and control corruption before, during and after the work.
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