[Abstract]:The development in the past belongs to the traditional development of material wealth growth as the basic index of rising change. This kind of development mode causes the green regression, and the traditional development method which provides support is the important legal reason of green regression. Green development is the development of resolving the contradiction and maintenance of man and nature and restoring the harmony between man and nature. The traditional development law can not provide the system guarantee for this kind of development mode. Green development is a kind of development under the hard constraint of environment, which belongs to the development type that the main body participating in the traditional development construction is not willing to accept. Its implementation must be carried out with the aid of the green development law. The Green Development Law is a legal expression of "extreme opposition" to traditional development. It is neither a legal department under the current legal system nor another legal system outside the existing legal system. It is the legal system that corrects the deviation of the traditional development law. The law of green development follows the science, which is universal and different, and is the law of the whole advancement, the law of international and regional cooperation, the law of direct regulation and regulation, and the law of taking the government as the basic responsibility subject.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学;浙江工商大学;
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