[Abstract]:Broadly speaking, maternity leave is the time that parents are given away from work based on birth, including maternity, paternity and parental leave. Maternity leave is the rest and recuperation time enjoyed by female workers due to childbirth and physical recovery after childbirth. Paternity leave is usually taken by the father of a child after the birth of the child in order to enable the father to assume the corresponding family responsibilities to help the newly born mother recover and take care of the child. Under the background of the policy of "comprehensive two-child", it is necessary to establish the system of parental leave through legislation in order to promote the birth of second child, lighten the burden of female family care, and guarantee the equality of employment between men and women. Laborer enjoys the right of maternity leave that the law assigns, because of birth reason temporarily lose labor opportunity, when having no normal labor income source, right to obtain economic help through national social insurance (social security) system.
【作者单位】: 中国青年政治学院法学院;
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