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发布时间:2018-08-29 20:09
【摘要】:当今社会,毒品问题日益严重,吸毒人群数量不断增长,严重破坏了家庭幸福,为社会稳定埋下了巨大隐患,禁毒工作刻不容缓。2008年6月,我国正式出台了《禁毒法》,并明确规定把强制戒毒列为我国四大戒毒方式之一。据统计,我国每年完成强制戒毒的人员多达数十万,然而,这一庞大群体却因文化水平低、就业技能缺乏、社会支持薄弱以及社会歧视等因素面临再就业困难。 强制戒毒人员的再就业困难为其个人和社会发展带来诸多不利影响:第一,它严重阻碍了强制戒毒人员回归社会的进程,并成为导致高复吸率的核心因素;第二,它侵犯了强制戒毒人员作为公民应享有的劳动权益,并制约了其个人的发展;第三,它使强制戒毒人员陷入生存困境,对社会和谐稳定构成隐患。此外,积极采取有效措施帮助强制戒毒人员破解再就业难题,这既是社会保障的应有之义,也是推动强制戒毒人员回归社会和降低复吸率的重要举措,更是维护社会和谐稳定的重要内容,因此我国政府必须对此问题给予高度的重视。 本文在对戒毒人员的自身条件和社会支持情况进行详细的分析后,认为戒毒人员面临再就业困境的主要原因有三个方面:一是不利的自身综合因素;二是就业歧视的存在;三是社会支持力度薄弱。戒毒人员实现成功再就业需要经历三个阶段:一是能力提升阶段,主要通过培养自我认同感、构建健康的社会关系网络和开展就业培训三个方面来实现;二是适应性就业阶段,既要促进就业方式的多样化,也离不开法律政策的支持;三是巩固提升阶段,而实现这一阶段目标的关键在于降低复吸率、提升就业技能和加强社会宣传。
[Abstract]:In today's society, the drug problem is getting more and more serious, and the number of drug users is increasing, which seriously destroys the happiness of the family and lays a huge hidden danger for social stability. Drug control work is urgent. June 2008, Our country has officially issued the Drug Control Law, and explicitly stipulates that compulsory detoxification is one of the four major detoxification methods in our country. According to statistics, hundreds of thousands of people complete compulsory detoxification every year in our country. However, this huge group faces difficulties in re-employment because of low education level, lack of employment skills, weak social support and social discrimination. The difficulty of reemployment of compulsory drug addicts has many adverse effects on their personal and social development: first, it seriously hinders the process of compulsory drug addicts' return to society and becomes the core factor leading to a high relapse rate; second, It infringes on the labor rights and interests of compulsory drug addicts as citizens and restricts their personal development. Thirdly, it makes the compulsory drug addicts fall into the plight of survival and constitutes a hidden danger to social harmony and stability. In addition, taking active and effective measures to help compulsive drug addicts solve the problem of re-employment is not only the proper meaning of social security, but also an important measure to promote the return of compulsory drug addicts to society and to reduce the relapse rate. Therefore, our government must attach great importance to this problem. After a detailed analysis of their own conditions and social support, this paper concludes that there are three main reasons for the reemployment dilemma of drug addicts: one is the unfavorable self-comprehensive factor, the other is the existence of employment discrimination. Third, social support is weak. The successful reemployment of drug addicts needs to go through three stages: first, the stage of ability enhancement, mainly through the cultivation of self-identity, the construction of a healthy social network and the development of employment training; second, the stage of adaptive employment. It is necessary to promote the diversification of employment methods and the support of laws and policies; third, to consolidate the promotion stage, and the key to achieve the goal of this stage lies in reducing the relapse rate, enhancing employment skills and strengthening social propaganda.


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