[Abstract]:There are different opinions on the interpretation of the relevant provisions of the right to establish the administrative license of local legislation in our country. The main points of the judgment in Luwei case and the related discussions caused by it are carried out around the legal interpretation of the right to establish the administrative license of the local legislation. However, the existing discussion on this case and related articles, whether the argument between "domain theory" and "matter theory", or "positive conflict" and "negative conflict", has not provided a consistent interpretation of the right to establish administrative license in local legislation. We should introduce the system angle of view to restate the conflict with the upper law, admit that the local legislation has certain choice space under the frame order determined by the upper law, and thus transcend the dispute between "domain theory" and "matter theory". From the three levels of constitution-organic law and administrative permission law, the author holds the normative system of administrative license establishment right of local legislation in our country from the aspects of authorization and restriction. The application of this system to Luwei case shows that it can provide a more comprehensive interpretation framework than the original judgment of this case.
【作者单位】: 北京大学;
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