[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress, the construction of ecological civilization and environmental rule by law has become the key to the modernization of our country. Among them, the establishment and improvement of ecological compensation system is an important link. In April 2016, the opinions on improving the compensation Mechanism for Ecological Protection put cultivated Land as one of the seven key areas. The emphasis of ecological protection compensation of cultivated land in China is to perfect the compensation system of cultivated land protection. This paper is of great significance to the ecological compensation of cultivated land in our country. It can be used as an opportunity to study the legal system of ecological compensation of cultivated land in China, and it will play an important role in promoting the practice of ecological compensation of cultivated land and the establishment and perfection of the legal system in our country. Firstly, this paper defines ecological compensation and cultivated land ecological compensation, and then finds out the theoretical basis of ecological value theory, externality theory and sustainable development theory, and analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the establishment of ecological compensation and cultivated land ecological compensation. Secondly, comprehensively combing the domestic laws and regulations, including the constitution, laws, administrative regulations, local legislation and other laws and regulations on ecological compensation for arable land, and analysis of its existing problems mainly include the lack of systematic legal basis, legal procedures are not perfect, Third, combing and analyzing the practices of cultivated land protection and ecological compensation in foreign countries such as the United States, European Union, Japan, etc. Adhere to the principle of local conditions, improve the legal procedures for ecological compensation of cultivated land and other experience; finally, on the basis of the foregoing, put forward the construction and improvement of the legal system of the ecological compensation of cultivated land, mainly at the micro and macro levels. At the macro level, it is necessary to speed up the special legislative process and perfect the legal norms. In addition, it is also necessary to clarify the principles of the legal system of ecological compensation for cultivated land, including the principle of paying for damages or beneficiaries, the principle of fairness, the principle of responding to local conditions, and so on. At the micro level, the first is to clarify the elements of the legal system of ecological compensation for cultivated land, the second is to strictly regulate the legal procedures of ecological compensation of cultivated land, and the third is to perfect the responsibility provisions of the legal system of ecological compensation of cultivated land. Fourth, the protection mechanism of ecological compensation for cultivated land should be improved. This paper closely follows the policy direction of the construction of ecological civilization and environmental rule by law. In particular, against the background of the national policy of "opinions on improving the compensation mechanism for ecological protection" and "views on strengthening the protection of cultivated land and improving the balance of occupation and compensation", As one of the seven important fields of ecological protection and compensation, the legal system of cultivated land ecological compensation is studied. On the basis of finding sufficient theoretical basis and overseas experience, combining with the current situation of cultivated land protection and ecological compensation in our country, this paper puts forward some advices to construct the legal system of ecological compensation of cultivated land in our country on the macro and micro level according to local conditions. Through the research of this paper, it is expected to be beneficial to the construction of the legal system of ecological compensation for cultivated land in China, and to contribute a little bit to the improvement and practical development of the system and practice of ecological compensation and ecological civilization construction in China.
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