[Abstract]:The legislation of media integration and development suitable for the law of media industry development and the law of Internet communication will be the powerful guarantee to promote the development of media integration. To change the special regulation of media industry legislation into media integration and development legislation based on the competitive function of network media is to ensure that emerging media and traditional media have the same market access conditions. No non-market development goals to suppress and offset market competition. To transform the legislation focused on media organization regulation into media integration and development legislation with media channels and platforms as the object is to give priority to the protection of media technology innovation and promotion and use, as well as to the protection of information dissemination and media industry mode. To transform the legislation focusing on the media externality structure into the media integration and development legislation focusing on the media endogenous organization structure is to emphasize the regulation of the media endogenous organization. In order to avoid the fragmentation of the legislation of media integration development, a unified legal regulation based on the development of cultural industry should be applied to the network media extraneous organizations.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学人文学院;
【基金】:国家重大社科基金项目“中国特色虚拟社会管理模式研究”阶段性成果,编号:12&zd083 华东政法大学人文学院央财项目“公共突发事件报道的法律规制研究”阶段性成果,编号:rwxy1400
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