[Abstract]:Discretion is the soul of administrative law enforcement, and reasonable administrative discretion is the due meaning and necessary requirement of administration by law. Under the social background of administration by law and building a government ruled by law, Reasonably standardizing the exercise of administrative discretion is the inevitable requirement and powerful guarantee of governing the country according to law. The administrative discretion standard can make the administrative organ exercise the administrative law enforcement power more reasonably, not only can control the abuse and alienation of the discretion, but also can prevent the rigidity and rigidity of the discretion, at the same time, it can make up for the deficiency of the law. The attribute of administrative discretion standard "administrative self-control" and "rule of rule" determines its binding force on administrative subject, administrative relative person and court, which makes the law enforcement standard of administrative law enforcement personnel clearer and the responsibility clearer; Make the relative person have more detailed standard to standardize their own behavior, at the same time can also supervise whether the discretion made by the administrative organ conforms to the standard of discretion; At the same time, the law also gives the court the right and obligation to review the legality of the standard of discretion, and effectively controls the irregular use of the discretion. The central and local governments are constantly promoting and perfecting the system of discretion benchmark, which involves many fields, and the types of regulation are also expanding. However, since the implementation of the administrative discretion standard, it has also exposed many problems, such as the non-standard name of the discretion benchmark, duplication and plagiarism of the content, random escape of the discretion standard, the disunity of the main body, the imbalance of the scope of application, and the non-standard procedure. Supervision and control are not in place, these problems are inevitable in the initial development of the discretionary benchmark system. The perfection of the standard system of discretion should conform to the legal principles of legal administration, reasonable administration, trust protection, unity of power and responsibility, due process, and should draw lessons from the beneficial experience of foreign countries and unify the name of the standard document of discretion. Realize the standardization of the reference name of the discretion; The administrative organ should "adapt to the local conditions" to formulate the discretion standard for the local department, thus optimize the content of the discretion standard formulation, control the use of escape technology, the discretion standard escape must be justified and in accordance with the legal procedures; The principles and guiding opinions of the department of the State Council and the provincial government to formulate the standard of discretion, and the terms of reference of the main body shall be clearly defined, and the specific standards of discretion shall be formulated by the provincial government departments, the municipal and county governments and the departments; Expanding the scope of application of the discretion standard, can no longer let the administrative punishment "alone", to a variety of regulatory types and development; In the process of developing discretionary benchmarks, public participation and open system should be involved in order to make the discretionary benchmarks more transparent and democratic; The implementation of the discretionary benchmark system can not be separated from comprehensive and effective supervision, so we should strengthen the supervision and control in the legislative, administrative and judicial aspects so as to make the formulation and operation of the discretion datum more smooth and smooth.
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