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发布时间:2019-01-30 08:07
【摘要】:“违法所得”是一个具体的法律概念,在我国的刑法、民法、行政法领域均有涉及,在行政法领域存在非常普遍,并且与行政罚款、行政没收等息息相关。在海事行政处罚领域,违法所得同样很常见,据统计,超过80%的海事行政处罚案件涉及到是否存在违法所得及违法所得的数额认定问题。但是,因为理论研究的不足,对于违法所得的内涵和外延并没有统一的认识,实践中关于违法所得认定的标准也是五花八门,严重影响了法制的严肃性和统一性,不利于法治政府的建立和行政相对人权益的维护。因此,需要将违法所得的基本理论与海事执法的实际相结合,进行较为深入的研究,在理论上形成共识,在实践中达成统一。 基于此,本文根据比较法、实证分析法、逻辑分析法、语言分析法、结合具体案例的调查研究,针对违法所得的相关法律规定,归纳了关于违法所得的主要学理观点,阐述了海事行政处罚中违法所得的主要特点,分析了海事行政处罚中违法所得认定的主体、性质、相对人对认定异议的救济渠道等。通过对具体案例的调查分析和典型案例的解析,,阐明了海事执法实践中存在的具体问题,针对存在的现实问题,提出了立法、执法中的具体建议和意见,旨在为海事行政处罚中正确认识和对待违法所得这一问题提供一定的指导,以对完善该项法律制度有所裨益。 全文共分为五个部分。第一部分为引言,简要介绍了研究违法所得的理论和实践意义,特别是在海事行政执法实践中存在的一些现实问题,从而引出了本文研究方法、研究领域和写作目的等。第二部分从立法实际和学理观点出发,对违法所得的基本理论进行了研究归纳;第三部分将海事行政处罚与违法所得有机结合,阐述了海事行政处罚中的违法所得;第四部分,以宁波海事局的行政处罚案件为样本,进行了具体的案例分析;最后一部分为结语,根据全文的研究结果;;提出了针对性的建议和意见
[Abstract]:"illegal income" is a specific legal concept, which is involved in criminal law, civil law and administrative law in our country. It is very common in the field of administrative law, and is closely related to administrative fines, administrative confiscation and so on. In the field of maritime administrative punishment, illegal income is also very common. According to statistics, more than 80% of maritime administrative punishment cases involve the existence of illegal proceeds and the amount of illegal proceeds. However, because of the lack of theoretical research, there is no unified understanding of the connotation and extension of illegal gains, and the standards for the identification of illegal gains in practice are also varied, seriously affecting the seriousness and unity of the legal system. It is not conducive to the establishment of a government ruled by law and the protection of the rights and interests of administrative counterparts. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the basic theory of illegal income with the practice of maritime law enforcement, conduct more in-depth research, form a consensus in theory and achieve unity in practice. Based on this, according to the comparative method, empirical analysis method, logical analysis method, language analysis method, combined with the investigation and study of specific cases, this paper sums up the main theoretical viewpoints on illegal income according to the relevant legal provisions of illegal income. This paper expounds the main features of illegal income in maritime administrative punishment, analyzes the main body, nature and relief channel of the dissent of the opposite party in maritime administrative punishment. Through the investigation and analysis of specific cases and the analysis of typical cases, this paper clarifies the concrete problems existing in the practice of maritime law enforcement, and puts forward the concrete suggestions and opinions in the legislation and law enforcement in the light of the existing practical problems. The purpose of this paper is to provide some guidance for the correct understanding and treatment of illegal income in maritime administrative punishment, so as to benefit the perfection of the legal system. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, briefly introduces the theoretical and practical significance of the study of illegal proceeds, especially some practical problems in the practice of maritime administrative law enforcement, which leads to the research method, research field and writing purpose of this paper. The second part studies the basic theory of illegal income from the point of view of legislative practice and theory, the third part combines maritime administrative punishment with illegal income, and expounds the illegal income in maritime administrative punishment. The fourth part, taking the administrative punishment case of Ningbo Maritime Bureau as the sample, carries on the concrete case analysis; the last part is the conclusion, according to the full text research result; has proposed the pertinence suggestion and the opinion.


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