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发布时间:2019-04-15 21:30
[Abstract]:In recent years, the incessant occurrence of forced expropriation of houses on state-owned land reflects, to a certain extent, the problems and deficiencies existing in the legislation of compensation for the expropriation of state-owned land houses in China. This paper mainly discusses and studies the problems and suggestions of housing expropriation compensation legislation on state-owned land. First of all, the concept, characteristics, basic principles and theoretical basis of housing expropriation compensation on state-owned land are explained. Secondly, the author analyzes the current situation of the compensation legislation of housing expropriation on the state-owned land and the problems existing in the scope, standard, mode and procedure of the compensation. Finally, through the investigation of the housing expropriation compensation legislation of the common law system and the civil law system and its enlightenment to the housing expropriation compensation legislation of the state-owned land in our country, we can enlarge the compensation scope, improve the compensation standard and enrich the compensation method. Some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to perfect the compensation legislation of housing expropriation on the state-owned land in our country from the aspects of perfecting the compensation procedure and so on.


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