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发布时间:2019-06-10 21:40
[Abstract]:The combination of public rental housing system and public-private partnership (PPP) is not accidental. Based on the urgent demand for housing security in reality, public-private partnership system has entered the field of vision of political decision-making. However, whether the application of public-private partnership system in public rental housing construction will skillfully resolve this contradiction between supply and demand in accordance with the established arrangements is questionable. Through the observation of the context of the public rental housing system, we can find that the public-private partnership system not only brings the favorable situation of the public rental housing system, but also brings a great impact. Under this impact, the requirements of public-private partnership regulation are coming out, so it is urgent to examine the crux of the existing system and find ways to improve the public rental housing system. The PPP model of public rental housing has both certain commonness and certain characteristics with the system embedding in other fields. In the awareness of the problem, we should pay attention to the profit side and quasi-operating characteristics of the field of public rental housing, and try our best to explore the problem according to the norms of positive law. It is found that the legislation of public-private partnership system in China is not enough to promote the self-consistent operation of the regulatory system and cause administrative and judicial regulatory defects: first, the PPP model of public rental housing has the problem of administrative regulation defects. It mainly includes the lack of regulatory coordination organization, the lack of public participation, the lack of administrative regulation and other issues. Second, in the PPP model of public rental housing, the path of lease dispute resolution is unknown, and the existing system can not accurately provide litigation channels for project companies with mixed public and private roles, let alone provide channels for lessee rights relief. In view of these two levels of problems, we can find the regulatory path to promote the public-private partnership system in the public rental housing system, that is, to clarify the distribution of public and private rights and responsibilities by means of government regulation, and to optimize the regulation mechanism so as to promote the performance of government guarantee responsibility. And in the judicial regulation, through the discrimination of the nature of the agreement and the specific arrangement of the agreement to explore the channels of citizen relief. Of course, this regulatory path is also affected by the new administrative law and public-private partnership system itself, which not only requires the government to regulate according to law, but also puts forward new requirements such as cooperative governance. Therefore, it is necessary to create an independent regulatory coordination organization and a platform for the participation of multiple subjects in the regulatory system. In the specific regulatory path, it is more feasible and effective for the government to carry out the regulation with the "contract" as the core. It can provide more flexible means of regulation, which can not only make up for the defects of unclear provisions on the matters of power and responsibility in the existing norms, but also embody the new concept of consultation and co-governance, so as to ease the antagonistic relationship in traditional regulation. Finally, it will promote the realization of the purpose of cooperation. For the damage to the rights of citizens when renting public rental housing, It is necessary for the judicial organ to make the decision of "public law contract" or "private law contract" through the identification of the nature of PPP agreement and the examination of specific arrangements: in the "franchised" public-private partnership, Against the fact that the court of arbitrary conduct of government power may, to a limited extent, recognize the right of citizens to sue on the basis of the provisions of the franchise agreement under government supervision, In view of the infringement of the private subject, it is necessary for the court to use the standard of "subject behavior" to examine whether the act of the private subject constitutes a tort in public law.


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