本文关键词: 寺庙 寺庙财产权益 私法救济 出处:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The survival and development of temples can not be separated from the background of the times in which they live. With the rapid development and commercialization of the market economy since China's reform and opening up, The trend of marketization also spread to the field of religious property one by one. The development of social economy will inevitably lead to changes in various social relations, and the relationship between temple property rights and property rights cannot be avoided. As a result, disputes have been increasing. Due to the fact that the legal status of temple property in domestic law is not clear at present, there are problems such as lack of legality and sustainability in the way of adjustment. Causing the judicial organs to deal with specific cases in practice at a loss, Some legal disputes concerning temple property have not been solved properly. This paper discusses the private law relief of temple property rights and interests by means of judicial practice and theoretical research. This paper expounds the definition of temple property in the current domestic legal system, and analyzes the legal relationship between temple property and temple property through the analysis of the legal relationship of temple property and the category of temple property. How to protect the temple property rights and interests from the level of private law is deeply explored. The first part is about the definition of temple property in private law and the necessity of legal remedy, through the definition of the meaning and scope of temple property. Extending the necessity and appropriateness of relief to temple property. This paper discusses the necessity of the intervention of private law relief involving temple property disputes from the angle of current religious policy legislation and the construction of rule of law in our country. The second part is about the present situation and evaluation of private law relief of temple property rights and interests. An account of the state of law and the state of justice, Then the advantages and disadvantages of private law relief are analyzed in detail. The third part is the comparative study and enlightenment of foreign religious property protection relief. Through the comparative analysis of private law relief mechanism in different countries and regions on religious property protection laws and regulations, the third part is the comparative analysis of private law relief mechanism in different countries and regions on the protection of religious property. The limitations and main solutions of other relief methods involved in the handling of temple property disputes are discussed in depth, from which we can draw lessons from experience and enlightenments. Then it explores the path of private law relief suitable for China's national conditions. 4th part of the suggestions to improve the relief mechanism of Chinese temple property private law. Through the study of current legislation and judicial practice, try from the property law, tort liability law, Suggestions on how to establish and perfect the relief mechanism of temple property rights and interests in the field of private law, such as intellectual property law, in order to choose the most effective ways and means of relief.
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