本文选题:网络游戏 切入点:虚拟财产 出处:《烟台大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国游戏产业蓝皮书《2012年1-6月中国游戏产业报告》显示,2012上半年,中国游戏市场实际销售收入248.4亿元人民币。伴随着网络技术的飞速发展,我国网络游戏产业达到了一个空前的高度,网络游戏也成为了很多人的娱乐消遣之一。与此同时,由网络游戏所引发的各种形式的财产纠纷也日益增多。但我国对于网络游戏的虚拟财产并没有给予强有力的保护,虽然《网络游戏管理暂行办法》已于2010年3月17日由文化部部务会议审议通过,并自2010年8月1日正式施行,但是,此规定中并没有明确提出关于网络游戏虚拟财产的概念,对网络游戏玩家的保护也只是在第23条中泛泛而谈,并不具有可操作性。2012年4月,上海高院发布了知识产权司法保护十大案例,将网络游戏中的“外挂”行为入罪,成为我国把处于网络游戏灰色地带的“外挂”行为首次入罪的地区。目前不管是学界还是实务界都给予了网络游戏虚拟财产足够的关注,但是关于网络游戏虚拟财产的保护路径研究依旧略显不足,用现行的法律法规来解决此类纠纷依旧有点“力不从心”。因此,笔者试图从民法的视角看待网络虚拟财产的归属和属性问题,通过与各国家、地区的相关虚拟财产法律保护制度的比较,着重从物权、侵权、合同以及继承法等现行法的角度出发力图找到解决这些问题和纠纷的途径。 全文正文共分为五个部分: 第一部分对网络虚拟财产进行了概括性的说明,首先对网络虚拟财产的概念和特征作了基本的阐述,为了区分虚拟财产与现实世界财产的区别,又提出了网络虚拟财产的四个特性。 第二部分介绍了目前关于网络虚拟财产法律属性分析之知识产权、债权以及物权的学说,本文在对这几种学说作了基础分析的情况下对物权法律属性给予了肯定;在探讨网络虚拟财产权的到底归属于网络运营商还是网络用户所有的问题上,笔者对两种观点都进行了详细地阐述并最终提出了自己的观点。 第三部分在文中列举了在现实中网络虚拟财产引起的纠纷类型,主要包括网络虚拟财产被盗、网络运营商停止提供服务、网络数据丢失、玩家使用外挂以及游戏玩家死亡引起的继承纠纷等五种类型。 第四部分通过介绍各国家及地区关于网络虚拟财产的法律保护,试图为我国网络虚拟财产法律体系的构建提供借鉴。 第五部分主要介绍了我国对网络虚拟财产保护的现状以及必要性分析,,着重从现行合同法、物权法、侵权法和继承法的角度探讨如何应对现实中存在的纠纷,以期使网络虚拟财产得到更好的调整和保护。
[Abstract]:The Blue Book of China's Game Industry, January to June, 2012, shows that in the first half of 2012, the actual sales income of the Chinese game market was 24.84 billion yuan, which was accompanied by the rapid development of network technology. China's online game industry has reached an unprecedented height, and online games have become one of the entertainment pastimes of many people. At the same time, Various forms of property disputes caused by online games are also increasing. However, our country has not given strong protection to the virtual property of online games. Although the provisional measures for the management of online games were examined and approved by the Ministry of Culture meeting on March 17th 2010 and formally implemented since August 1st 2010, this provision does not explicitly put forward the concept of virtual property for online games. The protection of online gamers is also a general discussion in Article 23, which is not operable. On April 2012, the Shanghai High Court issued ten cases of judicial protection of intellectual property rights, criminalizing the "plug-in" behavior in online games. It has become the first time that our country has criminalized the "plug-in" behavior in the grey area of online games. At present, both the academic and the practical circles have paid sufficient attention to the virtual property of online games. However, the research on the protection path of virtual property of online games is still slightly inadequate, and it is still a little "inadequate" to solve such disputes with the existing laws and regulations. The author tries to look at the attribution and attribute of the network virtual property from the angle of civil law, through the comparison with the relevant legal protection system of the virtual property in various countries and regions, focusing on the property right, infringement, and so on. From the point of view of current law such as contract and succession law, this paper tries to find the way to solve these problems and disputes. The text is divided into five parts:. The first part of the network virtual property for a general description, first of all, the concept and characteristics of the virtual property of the network to make a basic elaboration, in order to distinguish between virtual property and real world property difference, Four characteristics of network virtual property are put forward. The second part introduces the theories of intellectual property, creditor's rights and real right about the analysis of the legal attribute of the virtual property in the network at present, and this article affirms the legal attribute of the real right under the condition of the basic analysis of these theories. On the question of whether the virtual property right of the network belongs to the network operator or the network user, the author expatiates on the two viewpoints in detail and finally puts forward his own point of view. The third part lists the types of disputes caused by network virtual property in reality, including network virtual property theft, network operators stop providing services, network data loss. Players use plug-in and the death of gamers caused by inheritance disputes and other five types. Part 4th introduces the legal protection of network virtual property in various countries and regions, and tries to provide reference for the construction of the legal system of network virtual property in our country. Part 5th mainly introduces the present situation and necessity analysis of the protection of virtual property on the network in our country, focusing on how to deal with the disputes existing in reality from the angle of current contract law, property law, tort law and inheritance law. In order to make the network virtual property better adjustment and protection.
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