发布时间:2018-03-27 07:06
本文选题:PM2.5 切入点:污染治理 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来雾霾天气的频繁出现让人们对一个名词加深了了解——pm2.5。这是一种威胁现代都市居民身体健康的重要大气污染物质,而北京作为我国的政治、经济、文化中心和一座正在以迅猛态势成长的国际化都市,其PM2.5污染的现状尤为突出,这无疑为这所拥有庞大的人口数量和复杂的交通网络的城市蒙上一层阴影,严重影响了首都人民的正常生活和社会经济的可持续发展。2012年2月29日,《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-2012)作为国家标准正式发布,为配合其实施,《环境空气质量指数(AQI)技术规定(试行)》也同天问世。至此,自去年就开始被公众关注和热议的PM2.5终于成为国家标准。然而,标准的颁布只是万里长征的第一步,接下来的如何实施、如何实现绿色引领目标等则是更加艰巨和复杂的系统工程。本文由引言、正文、结论三部分组成。正文由四部分组成,主要内容如下: 第一部分:PM2.5大气污染相关知识的简析 Pm2.5是空气动力学直径小于2.5μm的颗粒物质,,又称为细颗粒物,这个概念于1997年由美国提出,当时主要是为了监测工业排放的废气中所含有害的细小颗粒物。PM2.5大气污染源主要分为两种,一是人为因素污染源,二是自然因素污染源。人为因素的污染源主要指人类的各种生产活动如日常生活垃圾的焚烧、工业生产中煤炭的使用和金属冶炼、电力生产、汽车等交通工具的使用过程中经过燃烧所排放的废气。自然因素污染源主要指细菌、植物花粉、土壤扬尘等,同时自然灾害事件也会造成PM2.5大气污染。PM2.5大气污染的危害主要分为三个方面,一是对人体的危害,PM2.5会导致肺炎、心脏病等疾病的产生和恶化,影响身体健康,增肌死亡率。二是对经济的影响,由于PM2.5的原因导致的早死造成了严重的经济损失,同时也有可能影响我国的对外贸易。三是对交通的影响,PM2.5能够降低大气能见度,阻碍交通通畅运行,危害驾驶员身体健康,增加交通事故概率。 第二部分:国外关于PM2.5的治理具体立法实践 美国于1955年制定了空气污染控制法,这是美国第一部联邦控制法规,之后又颁布了《空气清洁法1963》、《空气质量法1967》等。1970年美国制定了《清洁空气法》,同年美国环保局成立,经过半个世纪的修订完善,该法成为美国大气污染防治的基本法律依据。1971年美国首次制定了颗粒物环境空气质量标准TSP,1987年开始制定实施PM10环境空气质量标准,之后又于1997年制定了PM2.5环境空气质量标准,但在客观实践中并没有得到有效贯彻,直到2006年才严格PM2.5标准限值。美国为改善环境空气质量实施了一系列措施,如美国制定了适用全国的统一环境空气质量标准,由各州根据自身情况制定实施计划以确保达到环境空气质量的标准要求,提出能见度保护计划,强制确保区域的能见度,建立区域协调机制,加强环境污染区的州与州之间的合作,建立前置许可证制度,确立了公益诉讼制度和环境信息公开制度等。在交通污染治理方面大力鼓励发展公共交通,加大改善交通污染治理的财政投入等,例如2009年纽约《自行车交通法》鼓励市民骑自行车上下班,提供大量的自行车停车架,增加了自行车信道长度。 1962年日本通过了第一部全国性的大气污染防治法《煤烟控制法1962》,该法强调以石油代替煤炭,推广采用除尘设备。1968年日本制定了《大气污染防治法1968》,之后又经过了多次修订,最终确立了大气污染总量控制制度。1993年颁布了《机动车NOX控制法》,加强对机动车尾气控制。2003年东京都制定了日本第一个对PM2.5以下颗粒的地方性立法,之后全国各地进行了相关立法,但至今日本还未正式实施PM2.5防治法。目前东京都实施的PM2.5标准是亚洲最严格的,日均不超过35微克,年均不超过15微克。日本建立了大气污染总量控制制度,严格企业排污限量,建立了补助金制度、环境信息公开制度,实施税收优惠政策。在城市交通立法和建设方面,设置了大量公共汽车专用通道,公交站点、轨道站点和交通枢纽衔接紧密,换乘简便。东京停车费昂贵,2006年,东京警视厅聘用民间监督员治理乱停车,交通建设富有人文理念,交通执法严格,公民交通意识良好,提倡绿色能源动力交通工具的使用,推广购买环保车型,对环保车采取减税减路费的政策等。 英国于1956年通过了世界上第一部空气污染防治法案——《清洁空气法案》,该法案规定了一系列与市民生活紧密相关的事项,例如强制城内的电厂关闭;要求工业企业增加烟囱高度;开发煤炭用量少的新型炉灶;普及天然气的使用等等。在城市交通污染方面,英国着重拓展公共交通,大力推行地铁建设。政府还加大普及无铅汽油的力度,并要求年检的汽车排放尾气所含的一氧化碳、氮氧化物、碳氢化物等物质在检测时达标。从1993年开始,政府增添了对所有新车,只要是在英国出售的就必须安装可以减少氮氧化物排放的催化器的要求。到了2003年,又对进入市中心的私车征收“拥堵费”。此外,英国的燃油税率在欧美属最高,在每公升汽油的价格中占90%之高,这也是限制汽车使用的重要措施之一。2007年,英国在《空气质量战略》中新增了对可吸入颗粒物PM2.5的监控要求,截止到2011年,类似监测站点先后增加了几十个。《空气质量战略》还提出争取在2020年前将空气中PM2.5的年平均浓度控制在每立方米25微克以下,希望可以借此改善空气质量。英国于1992年制定了《环境信息条例1992》,于2000年制定了《信息自由法》,2004年又对《环境信息条例1992》进行了修订。《信息自由法2000》和《环境信息条例2004》确保了英国民众环境知情权的实现。 第三部分:北京市PM2.5的治理现状与不足的评析 2012年民间环保组织自然之友公布了我国各主要城市的空气质量排名,其中北京排名倒数第三,北京PM2.5空气污染严重。北京市PM2.5来源构成中,机动车排放占22%以上;煤炭燃烧约占17%;施工带来的扬尘约占16%;工业挥发约占16%以上;农村的养殖、基础焚烧占4.5%;周边省市影响占24.5%。由此我们得出,北京市PM2.5的形成很重要的原因就是机动车尾气排放。北京市PM2.5治理中的重点交通问题主要是机动车保有量增长压力大,公共交通出行比相对较低,城市道路网络覆盖面小,交通管理混乱,交通环境问题严重。北京PM2.5治理中存在诸多不足,首先发展理念滞后,经济的高速发展没有同步于环境的保护,政府应将工作的重点从GDP的增长向环境保护均衡转移。相关环境立法上的不足,宪法没有确认公民环境权,《环境保护法》局限性明显,不能发挥环境保护基本法地位作用,《大气污染防治法》不能有效应对现今的PM2.5区域大气污染问题。在环保责任承担,政府、企业环保责任承担不足,缺乏公众环保参与、环保意识薄弱。相关配套制度也不完善,如环境公益诉讼制度、环境信息公开制度等。 第四部分:北京市PM2.5治理对策首先要转变社会经济发展理念,建立生态文明和谐发展理念和推广绿色GDP经济增长理念。其次,完善我国现有法律体系的不足,确立公民环境权,进一步完善《环境保护法》,修订《大气污染防治法》。再次,建立完善的政府环保问责机制落实环保责任承担,政府环保责任法制化,建立科学的环保绩效考核制度。加强企业环保责任承担监督与激励,健全关乎企业环保责任的法律法规,加快实施环保能效标识制度,加大知识产权保护力度,保护有利于环境保护的新产品研发,灵活运用税收激励机制,完善排污交易市场,提高排污费用。最后,完善配套制度,建立真正意义上的环境公益诉讼制度,完善环境信息公开监督制度,建构大气污染区域协防制度。加大环境保护财政投入和环境科技投入,加强国际合作和公民环保参与。
[Abstract]:In recent years, frequent fog and haze appear so that the people of a noun to deepen the understanding of pm2.5. which is an important pollutant in the atmosphere of modern urban residents health threat, and Beijing as China's political, economic and cultural center and a rapid growth trend is to the international metropolis, the status of PM2.5 pollution is this is undoubtedly the highlight, has a huge population and complex traffic network city cast a shadow, which affect the sustainable development of the capital of the.2012 people's normal life and social economy in February 29th, "ambient air quality standard" (GB3095-2012) as the national standard officially released, with its implementation. "Ambient air quality index (AQI) technical regulations (Trial)" is the same day come out. So far, since last year by the public concern and hot PM2.5 finally become a national standard. However, standard Issued just the first step in a long march, then how to implement, how to realize the goal of green lead is more difficult and complicated system engineering. This thesis is composed of preface, text, conclusion of three parts. The main body consists of four parts, the main contents are as follows:
The first part: a brief analysis of PM2.5 air pollution related knowledge
Pm2.5 is the aerodynamic particles with diameter of less than 2.5 m, and the fine particles called, this concept proposed by the United States in 1997, when the main fine particles of.PM2.5 atmospheric pollution source for industrial emissions of exhaust gas monitoring in hazardous is mainly divided into two types, one is for the factors of pollution sources, two is the natural factors of pollution. The pollution source of human factors mainly refers to the burning of various human production activities such as daily life garbage, the use of coal and metal smelting industry, production of electric power production, use of vehicles in the exhaust gas after combustion emissions. Natural factors pollution mainly refers to bacteria, plant pollen at the same time, soil dust, harmful natural disasters also cause air pollution air pollution PM2.5.PM2.5 mainly divided into three aspects, one is the harm to human body, PM2.5 can lead to pneumonia, heart disease and other diseases The emergence and deterioration of health effects, increase muscle mortality. Two is the impact on the economy, due to premature death causes for PM2.5 caused serious economic losses, but also may affect China's foreign trade. The three is the impact on traffic, PM2.5 can reduce the atmospheric visibility, blocking traffic smooth operation. Harm the health of the driver, increasing the probability of traffic accidents.
The second part: the specific legislation practice on the governance of PM2.5 abroad
The United States Air Pollution Control Act in 1955, this is the first federal control regulations, and promulgated after the "Clean Air Act" 1963>, 1967>.1970 air quality law enacted in the United States, the "Clean Air Act", was founded in the same year the United States Environmental Protection Agency, after the revision and improvement of half a century, the law the United States has become the legal basis for the prevention and control of air pollution in the United States for the first time to develop the.1971 particles in the ambient air quality standards of TSP, 1987 began to develop the implementation of PM10 environmental air quality standards, and in 1997 established the PM2.5 ambient air quality standards, but has not been effectively carried out in practice, until 2006 the strict PM2.5 standard limit. The United States implemented a series of measures to improve the air quality of the environment, such as the United States has developed for the national unity of the ambient air quality standards, by the states according to their own situation to develop the implementation plan to To ensure that the required environmental air quality standard, put forward visibility protection plan, forced to ensure regional visibility, establish a regional coordination mechanism, strengthen the state environmental pollution area of cooperation, the establishment of pre license system, establishing public interest litigation and environmental information disclosure system. To encourage the development of public traffic in traffic pollution to improve the traffic pollution, increase the governance of financial input, such as the 2009 New York "bicycle traffic law > to encourage people to bike to work, to provide a large number of bicycle racks, increasing the channel length of bicycle.
Japan in 1962 through the first nationwide air pollution prevention law "soot control method 1962>, the method emphasizes the promotion of the use of Japanese oil instead of coal dust removal equipment.1968 years to develop a" air pollution prevention and control law of 1968>, then after several amendments, finally established the total atmospheric pollution control system.1993 promulgated "motor vehicle NOX control law >, to strengthen the control of vehicle emission in Tokyo.2003 have developed the first PM2.5 particle under the local legislation of Japan, across the country after the relevant legislation, but now Japan has not been formally implemented PM2.5 control law. At present, Tokyo implementation of the PM2.5 standard is the most stringent, the daily average of not more than 35 g, average no more than 15 micrograms. Japan has established the system of total control of air pollution, strict corporate emissions limits, set up the subsidy system, environmental information disclosure system, the implementation of the tax Preferential policies. In city traffic legislation and construction, set up a dedicated bus channel, bus station, railway station and transportation hub of the close connection of transfer is simple. Tokyo parking fees are expensive, 2006, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department hired private parking management supervisor, transportation construction rich humanistic idea, traffic law enforcement strictly, citizen awareness of traffic good use, advocate green energy powered vehicles, promote purchase of environmentally friendly models, to take environmental protection car tax reduction toll policy.
The British by the world's first air pollution prevention act, "the clean air act in 1956, the Act provides a series of closely related with people's lives matters, such as the city forced the shutdown of the plant; requirements of industrial enterprises to increase the height of the chimney; the new stove development of coal consumption; the popularity of natural gas in use and so on. City traffic pollution, the UK focused on the development of public transportation, subway construction. The government also vigorously promote the efforts to increase the popularity of unleaded gasoline, and require the annual inspection of the automobile exhaust contains carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons such as material in the detection standard. From the beginning of 1993, the government added on all new cars, as long as it is sold in the UK must be installed can reduce the catalytic NOx emissions requirements. By 2003, to enter the city center private collection congestion charge. In addition, the fuel tax rate is the highest in Europe, in a litre of petrol prices accounted for 90%, which is one of the important measures to restrict the use of cars in the UK.2007, new requirements for monitoring of respirable particulate matter PM2.5 in "air quality strategy", by the end of 2011, similar to the monitoring site has increased dozens of air quality strategy. "Proposes to fight in 2020 before the control of PM2.5 in the air of the annual average concentration of 25 micrograms per cubic meter in the hope to improve air quality. The British established environmental information regulations 1992 < > in 1992, in 2000 to develop a" freedom of information act of 2004 "," environment the 1992> information was revised. The freedom of information act 2000> and 2004> < environmental information regulations to ensure the realization of the British public access to environmental information.
The third part: the current situation and lack of PM2.5 in Beijing
In 2012 the environmental NGO friends of nature announced a major city in China's air quality rankings, Beijing ranked third, Beijing PM2.5 air pollution. Beijing PM2.5 sources, vehicle emissions accounted for more than 22%; coal combustion accounted for about 17%; construction brings about 16% industrial dust volatilization accounted for more than 16%;; rural farming, basic incineration accounted for 4.5%; influence of neighboring provinces accounted for 24.5%. we can see, is a very important reason of motor vehicle exhaust emission in Beijing City, the formation of PM2.5. The key traffic problems in Beijing city in PM2.5 governance is the main vehicle ownership growth pressure, public transportation is relatively low, city road network coverage is small traffic, traffic management, serious environmental problems. The problems of Beijing PM2.5 governance, first development idea lags behind the rapid development of the economy is not synchronized to the ring Environmental protection, the government should focus the protection of equilibrium transfer from GDP growth to the environment. Lack of relevant environmental legislation, the Constitution does not confirm the environmental rights of citizens, "environmental protection law > obvious limitations, can not play the role of environmental protection law," the air pollution PM2.5 treatment can not effectively deal with regional problems. The prevention and control of atmospheric pollution. The government in responsibility, environmental responsibility, lack of corporate environmental responsibility, lack of public participation in environmental protection, environmental protection consciousness is weak. Do not improve the relevant supporting system, such as environmental public interest litigation, environmental information disclosure system.
The fourth part: Beijing city PM2.5 countermeasures must first change the social and economic development concept, the establishment of ecological civilization and promote the harmonious development of the concept of green GDP economic growth concept. Secondly, improve the shortcomings of our existing legal system, the establishment of the environmental rights of citizens, to further improve the "environmental protection law" amendment to the air pollution prevention and control law. Thirdly, establish improve the government environmental accountability mechanism to implement the environmental protection responsibility, government environmental responsibility legal system, the establishment of performance appraisal system of environmental protection science. To strengthen the corporate environmental responsibility of supervision and incentive, perfecting laws and regulations relating to corporate environmental responsibility, environmental protection and accelerate the implementation of energy efficiency labeling system, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights protection, is conducive to environmental protection in the new product development, flexible use of tax incentive mechanism, improve the emissions trading market, improve the sewage charges. Finally, improve the supporting system, the establishment of real The system of environmental public interest litigation should be perfected, the supervision system of environmental information disclosure should be perfected, and the air pollution regional coordination system should be established. We should increase investment in environmental protection and environmental technology, and strengthen international cooperation and citizen participation in environmental protection.
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