发布时间:2018-04-12 08:46
本文选题:收视率 + 过度娱乐 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:娱乐在大众传播媒介中发挥的功能在早期的研究中没有引起足够的重视。拉斯维尔在1948年发表的论文中将大众传播媒介的功能概括为以下三点:1,环境监测功能。2,社会协调功能。3,社会遗产传承功能。直到1959年,美国学者赖特才在其提出的大众传播媒介四功能说中,首次提出了大众传播媒介具有提供娱乐的功能。即:①环境监视;②解释与规定;③社会化功能;④提供娱乐。这就是经典的大众传播媒介四功能说。在今天,娱乐功能在大众传播媒介中的四大功能中所发挥的作用越来越大。 电视综艺娱乐节目,过去是指以审美性、趣味性、娱乐性和观赏性为核心的,在电视这一特定的传播媒体上向大众传播的电视节目。过去的很长一段时间里,中国电视节目大多在形式上比较严肃,呈现出趣味性不足,说教有余的弊端。随着传播技术的发展,观众可以选择收看的节目越来越丰富,中国电视市场由电视台播什么观众看什么的卖方市场形态,转向了观众手中的遥控器控制着电视台节目收视率的命脉的现实。这一现实倒逼电视台去制作迎合观众欣赏口味的节目。这是今天中国电视行业血拼娱乐节目市场的根源。
[Abstract]:The function of entertainment in mass media did not attract enough attention in early studies.In his paper published in 1948, Raswell summarized the functions of mass media as the following three points: 1: 1, environmental monitoring function. 2, social coordination function. 3, social heritage inheritance function.It was not until 1959 that American scholar Wright put forward his theory of the four functions of mass media, and put forward for the first time that mass media has the function of providing entertainment.That is, 1: 1 Environmental Surveillance 2 explanation and Regulation 3 Social function # 4 provides entertainment.This is the classic mass media four-function theory.Today, entertainment plays an increasingly important role in the four major functions of mass media.The TV variety entertainment program used to refer to the TV program, which is centered on aesthetic, interesting, entertaining and appreciative, and spread to the public on the special communication medium.For a long time in the past, most Chinese TV programs were serious in form, showing insufficient interest and more shortcomings in lecturing.With the development of communication technology, viewers can choose to watch more and more programs. In the Chinese television market, the seller's market form of what viewers watch by TV stations,Turning to the reality that the remote controller in the hands of the audience controls the lifeline of TV ratings.This reality forces television stations to produce programs that cater to the tastes of the audience.This is today China's television industry shopping entertainment market roots.
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