本文选题:知识经济 + 中国民法典 ; 参考:《知识产权》2017年11期
[Abstract]:The question of "knowledge" is one of the most important aspects of the question of "what kind of Civil Code should be codified" which needs to be answered in the compilation of Chinese Civil Code. The development of knowledge economy, the trend of compiling the world civil code, the new normal of economy and the development strategy of national innovation all require the Chinese civil code to be "knowledgeable". The key to the "intellectualization" of the Chinese Civil Code is the "intellectualization" of the general principles, which can be realized by juxtaposing the intellectual property object and the body object as a section of the chapter on the object of the right to promote the status of the intellectual property object. The core of the "intellectualization" of the Chinese Civil Code is the independent compilation of intellectual property rights. At present, the reason why intellectual property rights cannot be independently compiled in academic circles cannot be established. The specific contents of the independent compilation of intellectual property rights include the rational arrangement of the position of intellectual property rights in the civil code, the specific contents of intellectual property rights cataloguing and the way of arrangement. Property right, contract, tort liability, relative and inheritance are the important contents of Chinese Civil Code.
【作者单位】: 广东外语外贸大学;"21世纪海上丝绸之路协同创新中心";华南国际知识产权研究院;"国际知识产权法制研究"创新团队;
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