本文选题:外商直接投资 + 知识产权保护 ; 参考:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the critical period of rapid economic and social development. To improve the ability of independent innovation, to build an innovative country as the core of the national development strategy, and to improve the comprehensive national strength is the key. But our country is a developing country, still need to introduce FDI technology spillover at the same time. With the deepening of globalization and the strengthening of the protection of intellectual property in the world, the influence of FDI, which is influenced by the protection of intellectual property, on the ability of independent innovation in China has attracted much attention. Through the derivation of the theoretical model, this paper studies the relationship between the degree of intellectual property protection and the ability to attract foreign direct investment and thus influence the ability of independent innovation. VAR model and PVAR model are used to analyze the relationship among the three variables of China's national and provincial panel data from 1991 to 2010, intellectual property rights protection and independent innovation ability. The results show that improving the independent innovation ability will contribute to the growth of foreign direct investment in China. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has a weak impact on the ability of independent innovation. This is because the proportion of foreign direct investment (FDI) from developing countries is much larger than that from developed countries. However, foreign direct investment from developing countries or regions in China does not bring about great positive technology spillovers. As a result, FDI has no obvious effect on the improvement of independent innovation ability. (2) the impact of intellectual property protection on FDI is more complicated. On the whole, strong intellectual property protection can ensure the safety of foreign enterprises in technology, thus increasing foreign direct investment in China. However, as China is a developing country, most of its technological production is still based on imitation, so weak intellectual property protection can help to improve the technological progress based on imitation. The increase in imitation will lead to the reduction of FDI. 3) the impact of intellectual property protection on the ability of independent innovation is also fluctuating. Stronger intellectual property protection can promote the R D investment of developed countries in China, and the technology transfer can improve the independent innovation ability of multinational companies in our country. But at the same time, for the local enterprises whose innovation ability is weak and imitative transformation is the main part, the increase of intellectual property protection will lead to the reduction of imitation, which will affect the ability of independent innovation. Finally, combining with the results of empirical analysis, the paper puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations: 1) introducing FDI with high technology content, optimizing the structure, establishing information exchange platform, driving the independent innovation of Chinese enterprises, and choosing appropriate intellectual property protection intensity. At the same time, we should improve the laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights, raise the awareness of the whole people in safeguarding their rights, increase the training of legal personnel and scientific and technological personnel, and further increase the pace of the construction of independent innovation infrastructure, and encourage domestic enterprises to improve their own innovation capabilities. In order to improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in international trade.
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