发布时间:2018-05-13 11:33
本文选题:地理标志 + 地名商标 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:当今社会,随着知识产权全球化趋势的日益加强,现代商品经济的高速发展,对地名的保护,,或者说对商品原产地的保护,已经日益成为一个备受关注的焦点问题。我国是一个地理标志资源大国,却远非地理标志保护强国。与法国等欧洲那些拥有悠久的地理标志保护历史和成熟的保护制度相比,我国并没有地理标志保护的历史沿袭。而是在2001年跨入世界贸易组织以后,才开始着手地理标志的相关立法工作,这也导致我国有关地理标志保护的理论研究时间较短,不够成熟,在实务层面表现为立法混乱,政出多门,出现保护内容、保护范围和效力等相互冲突,没有形成一个有效的地理标志法律保护体系。其中,我国地理标志与地名商标之间的冲突问题最为严重,如何解决好这一冲突,不仅关系到个别企业或行业的生存发展,更直接影响我国整个农业经济的发展。 在实践中,由于地理标志与地名商标之间的冲突最后往往表现为通过司法裁判的方式予以最终解决。因此在现有的法律法规对地理标志与地名商标的冲突尚未有明确解决机制与规定之前,司法裁判将具有指导作用。而目前诸多的司法判例相互矛盾,关注的焦点及裁判的依据各不相同,导致后人对于相关的争议无法形成合理的预期,不利于定纷止争。 基于上述原因,本文试图分析笔者办理的浙江省茶叶集团股份有限公司诉杭州狮峰茶叶有限公司商标侵权及不正当竞争纠纷案件,从厘清地理标志与地名商标二者的法律关系入手,并结合其他案例审理情况,以探寻在司法实践中当二者发生冲突时的解决原则与方式,并希望以此,从实务角度为我国地理标志与地名商标的冲突的司法裁定提出切实可行的考量因素。 本文的基本构架是:首先在引言部分介绍了两个比较典型的地理标志与地名商标冲突案例及笔者办理的狮峰案件,然后从地理标志和地名商标的一些基本概念入手,然后分别介绍两者的特点及异同,两者冲突的原因及表现形式,解决方式,并结合案例探讨了在当前的司法裁判中存在的问题,及当两者冲突时司法裁判应当考量的因素。 第一章地理标志和地名商标的基本理念探析。首先介绍了地理标志的基本理念,地名商标的基本理念,以及两者之间的异同。 第二章地理标志与地名商标冲突的原因及解决方式。首先介绍了地理标志与地名商标冲突的原因,主要包括历史原因及现实的法律规定的缺陷。其次介绍了两者冲突的表现形式。最后结合案例介绍了现有的两者冲突的解决方式。 第三章结合案例探讨当地理标志与地名商标冲突之时,目前司法裁判中存在的问题,以及司法裁判应当考量的重点因素,具体包括在先权利、商业标识的知名度、主观意图、正当使用及利益平衡。 本文的创新点在于当前法律法规对于地理标准与地名商标的冲突的裁量规定尚不清晰和明确之前,笔者通过梳理相关案例,从中总结出在此类案例中需要重点关注的各项考量因素,以便于实务中在处理此类案件时,可以明晰争议焦点,有利于对案件进行预判。
[Abstract]:With the development of globalization of intellectual property , the rapid development of modern commodity economy , the protection of geographical names , or the protection of the origin of commodities has become a focus problem .
In practice , since the conflict between the geographical mark and the famous trademark is finally settled through the judicial decision , the judicial decision will play a guiding role in the conflicts between the geographical mark and the place name trademark in the existing laws and regulations .
Based on the above reasons , this paper attempts to analyze the trademark infringement and unfair competition dispute case of Zhejiang Tea Group Co . , Ltd . v . Hangzhou Shifeng Tea Co . , Ltd .
The basic framework of this paper is : Firstly , the introduction part introduces two typical cases of geographical indication and trademark conflict and the case of lion peaks handled by the author , then starts from some basic concepts of geographical indications and geographical names , then introduces the characteristics and forms of the conflict , the causes and forms of conflict , and discusses the problems existing in the current judicial decisions and the factors that should be taken into consideration when the two conflicts .
Chapter one introduces the basic idea of geographical indication , the basic idea of geographical names and the similarities and differences between them .
The second chapter introduces the causes of the conflicts between the geographical indications and the names of the names and the ways to solve them . Firstly , the causes of the conflicts between the geographical indications and the names of the place names are introduced , including the historical reasons and the defects of the legal provisions of the reality . Secondly , the manifestations of the conflict are introduced . Finally , the solutions of the conflict between the two conflicts are introduced .
The third chapter discusses the problems existing in the judicial decision and the key factors which should be taken into consideration by the judicial decision when the geographic mark conflicts with the trademark of the place name , including the first right , the popularity of the commercial identity , the subjective intention , the proper use and the balance of interest .
The innovation point of this paper is that the current laws and regulations are not clear and clear about the conflict between the geographical standard and the place name trademark , and the author makes a summary of all the considerations which need to be focused on in such cases , so as to clarify the focus of the dispute and facilitate the pre - judgement of the case .
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