
发布时间:2018-07-01 12:25

  本文选题:商业秘密 + 侵权 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:本文在对中外知识产权法典、国际公约以及大量判例、学术著作和期刊论文进行研究的基础上,结合我国商业秘密审判实践,详细研究了商业秘密民事法律保护的相关问题,并就我国商业秘密纠纷处理中一些难点和热点问题提出了解决路径。全文共五章,内容涉及商业秘密民事法律保护概述、商业秘密认定、侵害商业秘密的认定、侵害商业秘密的法律责任、商业秘密民事法律保护的限度。 第一章商业秘密民事法律保护概述。主要阐述了商业秘密的界定、权利归属、民事法律保护的理论基础。笔者认为,我国应当参照TRIPS协议的规定对商业秘密作出界定,取消实用性要件,并对企业向国家有关主管机关提交的实验数据提供保护。商业秘密外延应不限于技术秘密和经营秘密,还应包括其他一些符合商业秘密认定标准的管理经验类信息等。商业秘密的归属应当坚持创新原则、投资原则、契约自由原则,因职务行为而完成的商业秘密归属于单位,同时允许单位与职工约定归属。单位应当就职务创造支付奖励和报酬。委托完成的商业秘密依据约定确定归属,没有约定的归开发者。商业秘密民事法律保护的理论基础在于其为无形财产。商业秘密立法价值不仅是激励研究和创新、促进技术传播和使用,还在于维护公平诚信的竞争秩序。这些理论决定了我国应当制定专门的商业秘密法的模式来为商业秘密提供多维保护。 第二章商业秘密的认定标准。认定商业秘密除了传统的秘密性、价值性、保密措施标准外,还应当包括新颖性标准。新颖性标准要求商业秘密必须具有一定的创造性。判断新颖性、秘密性、价值性的成立,要求有关信息区别于公知信息且公众难于从公开渠道直接取得,权利人为此也付出了一定劳动等。“不为公众所知悉”属于一消极事实,权利人举证较难,可以降低其证明标准。商业秘密具有地域性特征,在一个国家或地区公开的信息,不影响在其他国家或地区因符合商业秘密的特征而成为商业秘密。保密措施包括权利人主观上有保密意愿、客观上采取了保密措施两方面。保密措施只要合理就可以,不能要求成本过于昂贵。如果一个有正常心智和法律理念的理性人,已经意识到权利人的有关信息是保密的,权利人的保密措施已经被感知,则该保密措施就应该是合理的。 第三章侵害商业秘密的认定。侵害商业秘密的具体行为包括以不正当手段获取他人的商业秘密、不当披露或使用他人的商业秘密、违反保密义务或保密要求披露或使用他人的商业秘密、第三人因过错不当获取、披露或使用他人商业秘密。笔者认为,凡是以违背诚实信用原则和公认的商业道德的手段获取、披露、使用他人商业秘密的行为均属于侵害商业秘密的不正当手段。对“使用”的理解不应当局限于文义,还包括行为人虽作修改但其技术内容实质上是来源于他人商业秘密的情形。保密义务不仅限明示,还有默示义务存在。当事人违反保密义务将产生违约责任和侵权责任的竞合,有时也存在侵害债权行为。第三人因过错不当获取、披露或使用他人商业秘密的,与违反保密义务或采取不正当手段的他人构成共同侵权,承担连带责任。过错是商业秘密侵权认定的主观要件,这有别于其他知识产权侵权行为。笔者认为,我国应当建立商业秘密善意取得制度。为解决商业秘密诉讼中的举证难问题,“接触+相似—合法来源”以及“相似(源于原告秘密的极大可能性)-合法来源”可用以推定行为人采取了不正当手段获取或使用了权利人的商业秘密。同时,我国不应当采用美国法中的不可避免披露原则。处理客户名单纠纷必须正确平衡与协调好客户名单持有人与雇员、新雇主之间的利益冲突。客户信息在其特定化,为公众难于取得,且系开发人作了劳动投入的,可以作为商业秘密受到保护。客户基于对原单位雇员的特定信赖而自愿与职工本人或职工新单位发生交易的,适用客户信赖例外规则,雇员不构成侵权。 第四章侵害商业秘密的法律责任。侵害商业秘密的民事法律责任适用于一般财产受到损害的民事责任。笔者认为,在我国针对商业秘密侵权行为可以申请发布临时禁令。其条件包括申请人实胜诉的极大可能性;如不采取临时禁令,被申请人的行为将会给申请人造成难以弥补的损害;申请人要提供相应的担保;下发禁令并不损害社会公共利益。停止侵权责任应当设定时间和范围,以被告正常开发商业秘密所需时间为准。停止侵权这种责任也可因公共利益等因素而排除适用,以责令行为人支付许可费等方式解决。确定侵权赔偿额的原则为补偿性为主惩罚性为辅原则、创新原则和比例原则。可以参照专利侵权的规定以权利人损失、侵权人获利、许可费的倍数和法定赔偿四种方法确定赔偿额。惩罚性赔偿在我国有适用的情形存在。 第五章商业秘密民事法律保护的限度。反向工程、公共利益、国家利益、劳动者生存权,以及诉讼权益可以适度限制商业秘密权利的行使。要对竞业限制予以适当限制以维护劳动者的择业自由,职工可以自由使用剩留知识。当事人不能因为证据涉及商业秘密而不予提交对方质证,法庭要采取适当措施保护权利人的商业秘密,如责令签订保密协议、限制参加质证的人员范围等。
[Abstract]:On the basis of the study of Chinese and foreign intellectual property code, international conventions and a large number of jurisprudence, academic works and periodical papers, this paper studies the related issues of civil law protection of commercial secrets in detail in combination with the practice of commercial secret trial in China, and puts forward solutions to some of the difficulties and hot issues in the treatment of business secrets in China. The full text consists of five chapters. The content involves a summary of the civil legal protection of commercial secrets, the identification of commercial secrets, the identification of infringing commercial secrets, the legal liability for infringing commercial secrets, and the limits of the civil legal protection of commercial secrets.
The first chapter is an overview of the civil legal protection of commercial secrets. It mainly expounds the definition of business secrets, the ownership of rights and the theoretical basis of the civil law protection. The author thinks that China should define the business secret according to the provisions of the TRIPS agreement, cancel the practical requirements, and provide the experimental data submitted by the enterprises to the relevant state authorities. The extension of commercial secrets should not be limited to technical secrets and business secrets, and other management experience information that conforms to the standards of commercial secrets. The ownership of business secrets should adhere to the principle of innovation, the principle of investment, the principle of freedom of contract, and the business secrets completed by the duty behavior in the unit, and allow the units to be used. The unit should create payment awards and remuneration for the job creation. The business secrets entrusted to be completed are determined by the agreement. The legal protection of the commercial secret is the intangible property. The value of the commercial secret is not only the incentive research and innovation, the promotion of technology dissemination and the promotion of technology. It is also used to maintain a competitive order of fair and good faith. These theories determine that our country should formulate a special business secret law to provide multi-dimensional protection for business secrets.
The second chapter is the standard for identifying business secrets. It is found that business secrets should also include novelty standards besides the traditional secrets, values and standards of secrecy. Novelty standards require that business secrets have a certain creativity. It is difficult for the public to obtain directly from the open channel. The right holder has also paid a certain amount of labor for this. "Not knowing for the public" is a negative fact. It is difficult to raise proof by the right holder. It can reduce the standard of proof. The commercial secret has regional characteristics, and the information in a country or region does not affect the conformity of business in other countries or regions. There are two aspects of secrecy on the subject of secrecy. The measures of secrecy include the confidentiality intention of the right holder and the secrecy measures objectively. As long as the measures of secrecy are reasonable, the cost is too expensive. If a rational person with normal mental and legal ideas is aware of the information of the right person, it is aware that the information of the right person is guaranteed. If the privacy measures of the obligee have been perceived, then the security measures should be reasonable.
The third chapter infringes on the identification of commercial secrets. The specific actions against commercial secrets include obtaining other people's commercial secrets by improper means, undue disclosure or use of other people's commercial secrets, disclosure or use of other people's commercial secrets in violation of the obligation of confidentiality or confidentiality, and the third persons, due to improper fault, disclosure or use of other people's business secrets. The author believes that the act of obtaining, disclosing, and using other people's business secrets is an unfair means to infringe on business secrets. The understanding of "use" should not be limited to the literal sense, but the actor has been amended but its technical content is essentially derived from others. The situation of business secrets. The obligation of confidentiality is not only limited to express, but also the existence of implied obligation. The party who violates the obligation of confidentiality will produce concurrence of breach of contract and tort liability, and sometimes there is a violation of the creditor's right. The third party has acquired, disclosed or uses the business secrets of others because of improper fault, and violates the obligation of confidentiality or take improper means. Other people constitute joint torts and undertake joint and several liability. Fault is the subjective element of the identification of commercial secret infringement, which is different from other intellectual property rights infringement. The great possibility originates from the plaintiff's secret) - the legal source "can be used to presumed that the perpetrator has taken unjustified means to obtain or use the commercial secrets of the right holder. At the same time, our country should not adopt the inevitable disclosure principle in the United States law. Conflict of interests between new employers. Customer information is difficult to obtain for the public, and the developer has made a labor input. It can be protected as a business secret. The customer voluntarily deals with the workers and employees' new units based on the specific trust of the original employees, and applies to the exception rules of the customer's trust, and the employees are not. Constitute a tort.
The fourth chapter infringes on the legal responsibility of commercial secrets. The civil liability for infringement of commercial secrets is applicable to civil liability for damage to general property. I believe that the temporary injunction can be applied in our country for commercial secret infringement. The conditions include the great possibility of the applicant's success; if it does not take a temporary injunction, it is extended. The person's behavior will be irreparable damage to the applicant; the applicant should provide the corresponding guarantee; the injunction does not damage the social and public interests. The time and scope of the cessation of the tort liability should be set and the time required for the defendant to develop the business secrets normally. The responsibility to stop the infringement is also due to the public interest and other factors. The principle of determining the amount of compensation for tort is the supplementary principle of punitive penalty, the principle of innovation and the principle of proportionality. The four methods of punitive punishment can be determined by the provisions of the patent infringement, the loss of the right holder, the profit of the infringer, the multiple of the license fee and the legal compensation. The reparations are applicable in our country.
The fifth chapter is the limitation of civil legal protection of commercial secrets. Reverse engineering, public interests, national interests, workers' right to live, and litigation rights and interests can moderate the exercise of commercial secret rights. The evidence involves business secrets and refuses to submit a certificate of quality. The court should take appropriate measures to protect the business secrets of the right holder, for example, to order a confidentiality agreement and to limit the scope of the persons participating in the certificate.


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