
发布时间:2018-07-03 04:16

  本文选题:人格特征商业利用 + 隐私权 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:人格特征一词是对自然人具有可识别性的外在形象的概括,人格特征商业利用则是为了增加经济利益以自然人人格特征宣传或助销产品。虽然人格特征商业利用是围绕人格特征之财产价值展开,但不乏在商业利用过程中侵害人格利益的情形,更何况这种财产价值本身因为与人格特征相连而难以割舍其与人格利益的关系。因此本文选取人格利益与财产利益的双重视角检讨人格特征商业利用问题。人格特征上承载的财产利益由于其介于传统人格权与财产权中间地带的特殊地位而成为民法学研究新问题,也因此成为本文研究的重心。但人格特征上的人格利益对我们加深人格特征财产利益的认识并选择合理保护路径是必不可少的。本文围绕人格特征商业利用问题,以提出问题、解决的逻辑线索贯穿全文,以比较研究方法为主轴,在探求答案的过程中努力加深对人格特征上人格利益和财产利益的认识,并为现行制度提出完善建议,尤其是对人格特征财产利益的保护提供法律基础。 全文除引言和结语外共设七章,分为三个部分。第一部分(第一章和第二章)是基础性研究,包括人格特征商业利用基础性问题和人格特征财产利益保护的正当化理由;第二部分(第三章、第四章和第五章)是比较研究部分,围绕不正当竞争模式、隐私权和公开权模式、一般人格权模式展开;第三部分(第六章和第七章)是在比较研究的基础上认识人格特征商业利用问题在我国的现状并提出解决路径。 第一章,人格特征商业利用基础性问题。本章是鉴于目前国内对人格特征商业利用法律现象的基本认识缺乏共识的理论研究现状,从术语选择、概念界定、类型化分析及涉及的基本法律问题等方面所做的努力,也是全文研究的基点。首先,从普遍存在的“代言”与“被代言”的社会现象入手,整理比较国内学者对这一现象的若干种术语选择,运用语义解释方法对其逐一认识并综合法律现象的本质,选择“人格特征商业利用”这一术语。其次,在对“人格特征”、“商业利用”以及“人格特征商业利用”从内涵和外延加以认识的基础上,重点对人格特征商业利用做了三种类型化分析。人格特征商业利用即将自然人具有可识别性的个体性标志用作产品或服务的宣传或推广。本文选取以下三种标准进行类型化分析:1、以利用形式为标准,人格特征商业利用包括体现自然人对产品有支持或推荐态度的支持性利用和单纯地提及自然人人格特征的非支持性利用;2、以对人格特征的利用是否依人格特征权利人意志进行为标准,可以分为获得其许可的授权利用和未经其同意的擅自利用。3、另一种并不够周延但非常有助于对人格特征商业利用本质认识的分类是根据所涉及利益的性质将人格特征商业利用分为:(1)同时侵害人格特征所有人的财产利益与人格利益的商业利用。(2)只侵害财产利益的商业利用。(3)只涉及精神利益侵害的人格特征商业利用。再次,笔者对人格特征商业利用涉及的利益——人格利益和财产利益进行了一般性理解和针对人格特征商业利用问题的具体理解。最后,对人格特征商业利用涉及的基本法律问题进行梳理。本文欲研究的基本法律问题即人格特征商业利用中所涉及人格利益与财产利益的保护问题。其中财产利益的保护是重点和难点,但人格利益保护的论述也非不重要。 第二章,人格特征财产利益保护的正当化理由。本章是在第一章的基础上就人格特征财产利益保护的基础性问题——正当化理由做前置性的介绍。劳动理论、分配效率论、康德财产理论、人格自治理论是目前学术研究中被重点提及的正当化理由。1、劳动理论。劳动价值论、防止不当得利论、经济刺激论均源自洛克劳动理论。除了劳动价值论是从内部论证人格特征财产利益之合理性以外,其他学说均是从外部需求(社会需要)的角度予以论证。前者说明的是这一财产利益本就由我创造,应该属于我;后者体现的思想是人格特征上财产利益是怎么来的在所不问,既然存在这样一种利益,那么出于社会整体利益考量,将这种利益归属于人格特征所有人。以洛克劳动理论为基础的不当得利论、劳动价值论和经济刺激论,均或多或少地将人格特征财产利益的正当性基础聚焦在劳动上。不当得利论反面强调未付出劳动者不得享受权利;劳动价值论正面强调付出劳动者应当享受权利;经济刺激论则出于增加社会财富的考虑强调以权利刺激权利人更积极地劳动。它们都高估了个人在人格特征经济价值产生中的角色,都给以此为基础建立的制度造成诸多困境。2、分配效率论虽然不再依赖洛克劳动理论,但其弱点与经济刺激论很相似,首先在人格特征的非对抗性和不可耗竭性这一前提性问题上则不能给出令人信服的解答。3、康德财产理论和人格自治理论的共同之处在于都将人格特征上的财产利益与人格利益联系起来考虑。康德财产理论中财产与自由、人格相连,人格自治理论中财产利益与自治的自我界定利益相连。康德财产理论以人格特征客体化为基础,而客体化是以使用方式先占实现,这就使得未曾商业利用人格特征者对其人格特征上的财产利益不享有权利。而且康德财产理论要求客体具有对抗性才谈得上因侵害了财产利益侵害了人格自由,人格特征的非对抗性特质使得这一理论难以逾越。4、人格自治理论既不用纠结于权利人是否对人格特征财产价值付出劳动的问题,也可以回避人格特征的不可对抗性和非耗竭性特质。人格自治理论从自治的自我界定出发论证人格特征上财产利益保护的正当性,其出发点是从人格利益出发界定财产利益的正当性,与其他理论从财产利益本身出发论证其保护的正当性基础不同。以人格利益为出发点的视角更接近问题的核心。在制度设计上也可以兼顾人格利益与财产利益并将“人格特征”的范围限制在具有人格联系的范围内。 第三章介绍英国、澳大利亚和加拿大魁北克省的不正当竞争模式。不正当竞争模式首先承认擅自商业利用他人人格特征是构成侵权的,其次认为侵害的是财产权。这种财产权在仿冒制度下被解释为商誉中的财产权,在盗用理论下被解释为应受保护的无形财产权或人格特征中的财产权。相较传统盗用理论下的水土不服以及在新型盗用理论下的缺乏系统建构,人格特征商业利用问题在仿冒制度下虽限制重重却有丰厚的制度土壤,因此仿冒依然是不正当竞争模式下解决人格特征商业利用问题的核心制度。以仿冒和盗用理论解决人格特征商业利用问题的不正当竞争模式还只是处于探索初期的权宜之计,但这种权宜之计对认识成熟制度的形成过程以及对同样处于探索初期的我国颇具认识论意义。 第四章详论美国隐私权和公开权模式。本章首先沿着历史发展的主线,介绍美国普通法从隐私权到公开权的制度创新史。隐私权的产生以普通法从保护知识财产的判例中寻求人格利益保护的制度基础开始,借助诽谤制度和知识产权制度,最终形成独立于财产权的保护纯精神性利益的隐私权制度。公开权的产生则以普通法从隐私权判例中寻求人格特征财产利益保护的制度基础开始,最终形成独立于隐私权的保护人格特征财产利益的公开权制度。隐私权与财产权的独立使各自的范围界定得以明晰,但二者历史上的各种纠缠在当下仍有体现。就人格特征商业利用而言,美国大部分州共识的保护模式是:涉及人格利益的部分由隐私权保护,,涉及财产利益的部分由公开权保护。另外,本章还分别就公开权的权利性质、保护对象和范围、公开权侵权责任构成要件以及公开权的诉讼时效、举证责任、救济方法做了介绍。 第五章,德国一般人格权模式。德国以一般人格权这一框架性权利将未被制定法保护的具体人格利益和财产利益通过德国民法典第823条第1款中的“其他权利”纳入侵权法保护范围。本章首先从德国民法典关于人格权的规定和不足出发介绍一般人格权在司法造法背景下的创设。其次,梳理姓名权和肖像权的制定法规定和适用以及一般人格权对二者的补充。最后介绍一般人格权在补充姓名权、肖像权不足以外还具体实现了人格特征财产利益的保护、私领域保护与名誉的保护以及慰抚金请求权。就人格特征商业利用问题而言,涉及姓名、肖像等人格利益的以姓名权和肖像权的法律规定为请求权基础,涉及姓名、肖像以外的人格利益以及人格特征上财产利益的以一般人格权为请求权基础。 第六章,人格特征商业利用问题在我国的现状。本章围绕司法探索这一中心,以案例分析方法,通过案例的归类整理得出认识:司法界在缺乏系统理论支撑的情况下,面对逐渐增多的人格特征未经同意被商业利用案件,不得不对现行立法做更宽泛的解释。勉强承认人格特征中的财产利益,并对其侵权构成要件、损害赔偿额计算等问题做了虽缺乏姮服力却大胆的探索。表现出新问题探索中常见的简明说理。 第七章,人格特征商业利用问题我国路径选择。带着第一章所形成的问题意识,通过对不正当竞争模式、美国隐私权和公开权模式以及德国一般人格权模式的比较考察,我们至少可以从宏观上了解到这样两个个共同之处:其一,比较研究对象在近代以来均在法律层面表现出对人格自治和人格尊严更大的尊重,不断拓宽受法律保护的人格利益的范围。其二,比较研究对象在人格特征财产利益应受保护这个基本点上是达成共识的。虽然就人格特征中人格利益和财产利益的关系问题存在认识上的分歧,但三种模式在面临新问题时都表现出对现有制度的依赖和突破,最终都采取了非权利化的侵权法保护路径。就我国人格特征商业利用问题解决路径而言,我们可以从人格特征上人格利益和财产利益两方面入手。人格利益的保护通过现行人格权的解释与适用可以实现;财产利益的保护可以通过非权利化的侵权法保护方式实现。非权利化的保护方式具体通过侵权责任法第2条和第20条的解释与适用实现,并包括未经同意、使用了原告的人格特征、为了商业利益、因利用造成了损害四个侵权责任构成要件。 本文力图在以下几个方面对现有理论和研究有所推进:1、人格特征商业利用术语澄清。2、研究视角上选取人格利益与财产利益双重视角。3、比较研究资料的扩充与研究认识的深入。4、以人格特征商业利用涉及的具体问题点为进路对我国司法案例进行整理分析。5、提出以非权利化的侵权法保护方式保护人格特征财产利益,并试着就保护路径实现和侵权责任构成要件作出探索。
[Abstract]:The personality characteristic is the generalization of the identifiable external image of the natural person. The commercial use of personality characteristics is to increase the economic benefits to promote or sell products with the personality characteristics of the natural person. Although the commercial use of personality features is the property value surrounding the personality characteristics, but there is no lack of the infringement of personality in the process of commercial use. What's more, the property value itself is difficult to cut off the relationship between personality and personality because it is connected with personality characteristics. Therefore, this paper examines the commercial use of personality characteristics in the dual perspective of personality interests and property interests. The property interests bearing the character characteristics are between the traditional personality rights and property rights. The special status of the zone has become the new problem of the research of the civil law, and it has become the focus of this study. However, the personality interests of the personality characteristics are essential to us to understand the interests of the personality property and to choose the reasonable protection path. Through the full text, with the comparative research method as the main axis, in the process of exploring the answer, we should try to deepen the understanding of personality interests and property interests, and make suggestions for the current system, especially to provide the legal basis for the protection of personality property interests.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into seven chapters and divided into three parts. The first part (the first and second chapters) is a basic study, including the basic issues of commercial utilization of personality characteristics and the justification of the protection of personality property interests; the second part (third, fourth and fifth) is the comparative research part, around the unfair competition. The mode of controversy, the right to privacy and the right to open the right mode, the general personality right mode, the third part (sixth chapters and seventh chapters) is on the basis of comparative study to understand the current situation of the commercial use of personality characteristics in China and put forward the solution path.
The first chapter is the basic problem of commercial utilization of personality characteristics. This chapter is the theoretical research status of the basic understanding of the basic understanding of the legal phenomenon of commercial utilization of personality characteristics in China. The efforts made from the aspects of terms selection, definition, typology and the basic legal issues involved are also the basis of the full text. Starting with the common social phenomenon of "endorsement" and "endorsed", it collate and compare the choice of a number of terminology of the phenomenon by domestic scholars, and use semantic interpretation methods to recognize and synthesize the essence of the legal phenomenon by means of semantic interpretation, and choose the term "commercial use of personality characteristics". Secondly, "personality", "business", "business". On the basis of the understanding of the connotation and the extension of the commercial utilization of personality characteristics, three types of analysis are made on the commercial utilization of personality characteristics. The commercial use of personality characteristics is used as a declaration or promotion of the product or service which is an identifiable individual symbol of the natural person. The following three standards are selected in this article. Line type analysis: 1, with the use of form as the standard, the commercial use of personality characteristics includes supporting the support or recommending attitude of the natural person to the product and the non supporting utilization of the personality characteristics of the natural person. 2, it can be divided into the standard of whether the use of personality characteristics is carried out according to the person's will. The use of authorization to obtain permission and the unauthorized use of.3 without its consent, another classification that is not long enough but very helpful to the nature of the nature of the commercial use of personality characteristics is divided into the commercial use of personality characteristics according to the nature of the interests involved: (1) the property interests and personal interests of all the personalities of the personalities are infringed at the same time. Commercial utilization. (2) commercial utilization that only infringes on the interests of property. (3) the commercial utilization of personality characteristics only involving mental interests infringement. Again, the author makes a general understanding of the interests involved in the commercial utilization of personality characteristics, the personal interests and property interests, and the specific understanding of the commercial utilization of personality characteristics. Finally, the personality is special. The basic legal problems involved in commercial utilization are combed. The basic legal question that this article wants to study is the protection of personality interests and property interests in the commercial utilization of personality characteristics. The protection of property interests is the key and difficult point, but the discussion on the protection of personality interests is not important.
The second chapter is the justification for the protection of personality property interests. This chapter is based on the first chapter on the basic question of the protection of the interests of personality property - the prepositional introduction of the justification. Labor theory, the theory of distribution efficiency, Kant property theory, and the theory of personality autonomy are the key points mentioned in the current academic research. In addition to the reason.1, labor theory, labor theory of value, the theory of preventing unjust enrichment, and the theory of economic irritation from Rock's labor theory, besides the rationality of the theory of labor value, the other theories are demonstrated from the angle of external demand (social need). The former explains the interest of this property. It is my creation, which should belong to me; the latter embodies the idea of how the property interests of the personality are not asked. Since there is such a kind of interest, the interests belong to the personalities of the personalities of the society as a whole. The theory of labor values and classics based on the theory of Rock's labor theory, the theory of labor value and the classics. It is more or less focused on the legitimate basis of the interests of personality property. The theory of unjust enrichment emphasizes that the workers should not enjoy the right to enjoy the right; the labor value theory emphasizes that the laborers should enjoy the rights, and the theory of economic stimulation emphasizes the right to stimulate the right out of the consideration of increasing social wealth. The beneficial people work more actively. They all overestimate the role of the individual in the production of the economic value of personality characteristics. All the systems based on it create many difficulties.2. Although the theory of distribution efficiency is no longer dependent on Rock's labor theory, its weakness is similar to the economic stimulus theory, first in the non antagonism and the non exhaustion of personality characteristics. This precondition can not give a convincing answer to.3. The common point of Kant's property theory and personality autonomy is that both property interests and personality interests are considered. Kant's property theory is connected with freedom and personality, and the self boundary of property interests and autonomy in the theory of personality autonomy. The theory of Kant's property is based on the objectification of personality characteristics, and the objectification is realized in the way of use, which makes the persons who have not used the personality characteristics to enjoy the rights of property interests in their personality characteristics. The theory of personality freedom and personality characteristics makes it difficult to overstep the.4. The theory of personality autonomy does not tangle the problem of whether the right holder pays the labor of the personality property value or not, and avoids the non antagonistic and non exhaustive character of personality characteristics. The theory of personality autonomy defines self autonomy from self self self. The justification of the protection of property interests on the personality characteristics of the argument is to define the legitimacy of the property interests from the personality interests, and to demonstrate the legitimacy of the protection with other theories from the property interests itself. The perspective of the personality interests as the starting point is closer to the core of the problem. Personality interests and property interests limit the scope of "personality characteristics" in the context of personality ties.
The third chapter introduces the unfair competition mode in Britain, Australia and the Quebec province of Canada. The unfair competition mode first recognise that the commercial use of other people's personality is a tort, followed by the infringement of property rights. This property right is interpreted as the property right in the Goodwill under the counterfeit system, and is explained under the theory of embezzlement. For the protection of the intangible property rights or property rights in the personality characteristics, compared with the traditional embezzlement theory and the lack of systematic construction under the new theory of embezzlement, the problem of commercial utilization of personality characteristics has rich institutional soil under the counterfeit system, so the imitation is still an unfair competition model. The core system of the problem of commercial utilization of personality characteristics. The unfair competition mode of solving the problem of commercial use of personality characteristics by imitation and embezzlement is only a expedient measure in the early stage of exploration, but the expedient means the formation process of understanding the mature system and the epistemological significance to our country, which is also in the early stage of exploration.
The fourth chapter elaborates on the American right to privacy and the right to privacy. This chapter first introduces the system innovation history of American ordinary law from the right to privacy to the right to publicity along the main line of historical development. The emergence of the right to privacy begins with the institutional basis for the protection of personality interests from the cases of protecting knowledge and property, with the aid of the defamation system and the system of intellectual property rights. Degree, and finally form a system of privacy protection that is independent of property rights to protect pure spiritual interests. The emergence of the right to public begins with the institutional basis of the common law to seek the protection of personality property interests from the privacy jurisprudence, and eventually forms a public right to protect the property interests of the private property, which is independent of privacy. Independence makes the definition of their scope clear, but all kinds of entanglement in the history of the two are still reflected in the present. In terms of commercial use of personality characteristics, the protection mode of most American state consensus is that part of the personal interests is protected by the right of privacy, and the part of the property interests is protected by the public right. The nature of the right to open, the object and scope of protection, the constitutive requirements of the right of publicity, the limitation of action, the burden of proof and the remedy methods are introduced.
The fifth chapter, the German general personality right mode. Germany, with the framework of the general personality right, incorporated the specific personality interests and property interests which were not protected by the law, through the "other rights" in the 823rd article of the German civil code and the "other rights" into the scope of the protection of the tort law. This paper introduces the creation of general personality right under the background of judicial law making. Secondly, it combs the provisions and application of the formulation of the right of name and portrait and the supplement of the general personality right to the two parties. Finally, it introduces the right of the general personality to supplement the right of name, and the protection of the personal property interests, the protection and the name of private domain. The protection of reputation and the claim of consolation gold. In terms of commercial use of personality characteristics, the basis of the right of request is the legal provision of name and portrait, including the right of name and portrait, involving the name, the personality interests other than the portrait and the property interests of the personality as the basis of the claim right.
The sixth chapter, the status of commercial utilization of personality characteristics in our country. This chapter focuses on the center of judicial exploration, by case analysis method, through the classification of cases to get the understanding: in the case of the lack of systematic theoretical support, the judiciary has to face the increasing personality characteristics without consent to be commercially used. The law makes a more broad explanation. It is difficult to recognize the property interests of the personality characteristics, and to make a bold exploration of the elements of its tort and the calculation of the amount of damages. It shows a common and simple reason in the exploration of the new problems.
The seventh chapter, the choice of the commercial utilization of personality characteristics in China. With the problem consciousness formed in the first chapter, through the comparison of the unfair competition mode, the American privacy and public rights model and the German general personality right model, we can at least solve these two common points from the macro level: first, comparative research. In modern times, they have shown greater respect for personality autonomy and personal dignity at the legal level, and constantly expand the protection of persons protected by law.


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