
发布时间:2018-07-07 17:05

  本文选题:农业科技成果转化 + 问题 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:农户在农业科技成果推广的过程中,既可以是成果的接受者,也可以是成果的扩散者,农业科技成果向农户转化会受到一些因素的制约。认识和把握农业科技成果向农户转化的制约因素及其转化模式,可以为农业科技成果向农户的顺利转化奠定理论基础。农业科技成果转化问题受到农业界、科技界的广泛关注。本研究以科学发展观为指导,综合运用相关理论与方法,在深入分析国内外文献资料的基础上,重点开展农业科技成果转化制约因素及转化模式研究。本文在概述农业科技成果转化的相关理论和比较分析国内外农业科技成果转化典型经验的基础上,从政策法规、科技计划、服务平台、农业高新技术产业发展等方面分析了长沙省农业科技成果转化现状,归纳出长沙省农业科技成果转化存在的问题,并以农业技术创新链条的视角,深入剖析了影响长沙省农业科技成果转化的制约因素。本文结合长沙省农业科技工作实际,研究提出完善长沙省农业科技成果转化机制的指导思想和总体目标,提出优化农业科技成果转化政策环境、突出农业科技成果转化公共服务能力、强化农业科技成果转化中试环节等对策措施,加快长沙省农业科技成果商品化、产业化、规模化进程。针对性提出进一步加强农业科技成果转化与推广工作对策建议: (1)提高农业科学研究水平,出高质量的创新性成果。培养农业科研高层次创新人才队伍; (2)健全以乡、镇为重点的农技推广体系。培养高素质农技推广队伍,提高农技推广人员待遇; (3)大幅度增加农技推广的投入。建立农业科技推广专项基金;(4)组织大规模多形式、多渠道的农技培训,提高广大农民的科技素质;(5)发展和引导农业技术市场,规范成果转化和推广市场行为; (6)加大知识产权的保护和执法力度; (7)国家应尽快制定加强农业科技成果转化与推广的系列规定,及相关的法律、法规体系配套文件。
[Abstract]:In the process of popularizing agricultural scientific and technological achievements, farmers can be both recipients and diffusers of agricultural scientific and technological achievements. The transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements to farmers will be restricted by some factors. Understanding and grasping the restrictive factors and the transformation mode of agricultural scientific and technological achievements to farmers can lay a theoretical foundation for the smooth transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements to farmers. The transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements has been widely concerned by the agricultural and scientific circles. Under the guidance of the scientific development view and the comprehensive application of relevant theories and methods, based on the in-depth analysis of the literature at home and abroad, the research on the restrictive factors and transformation mode of agricultural scientific and technological achievements was carried out. On the basis of summarizing the relevant theories of agricultural scientific and technological achievements transformation and comparing and analyzing the typical experience of agricultural scientific and technological achievements transformation at home and abroad, this paper, based on the policies and regulations, science and technology plans, service platform, This paper analyzes the present situation of the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements in Changsha Province from the aspects of the development of agricultural high and new technology industries, sums up the problems existing in the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements of Changsha Province, and from the angle of view of the chain of agricultural technological innovation, This paper deeply analyzes the restricting factors that influence the transformation of agricultural science and technology achievements in Changsha province. Based on the reality of agricultural science and technology in Changsha province, this paper puts forward the guiding ideology and overall goal of perfecting the transformation mechanism of agricultural scientific and technological achievements in Changsha province, and proposes to optimize the policy environment for the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements. In order to accelerate the process of commercialization, industrialization and scale of agricultural scientific and technological achievements in Changsha province, we should stress the ability of public service in transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements and strengthen the measures such as the pilot process of transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements. The countermeasures and suggestions for further strengthening the transformation and popularization of agricultural scientific and technological achievements are put forward: (1) to improve the level of agricultural scientific research and to produce high quality innovative results. (2) perfecting the agricultural technology extension system with the emphasis on township and town. Cultivate high quality agricultural technology extension team, improve the treatment of agricultural technology extension personnel; (3) increase the input of agricultural technology extension by a large margin. Establishing special fund for agricultural science and technology extension; (4) organizing large-scale training in agricultural technology in various forms and channels to improve the scientific and technological quality of farmers; (5) developing and guiding the agricultural technology market and standardizing the transformation of achievements and the promotion of market behavior; (6) strengthening the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; (7) the state should formulate as soon as possible a series of regulations to strengthen the transformation and popularization of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, and supporting documents for the relevant laws and regulations system.


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