[Abstract]:Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development, but the lack of available phosphorus in soil seriously affects crop yield and quality improvement. The best way to solve the above problems is to explore and utilize plant low phosphorus tolerance genes and to create new varieties of high phosphorus efficiency crops. In this study, the transcriptional factor genes GmPTF1 and GmPHR1, which were cloned earlier in the study group, were used to analyze the activation sites, intracellular localization, sequence and expression differences of transcription factors and their biological functions in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis thaliana). The aim of this paper is to obtain low phosphorus tolerance genes with independent intellectual property rights and to provide functional genes for transgenic breeding of important crops. The main results are as follows: 1. Bioinformatics analysis showed that GmPTF1 was 8275 BP in length, consisting of 6 introns and 7 exons. GmPHR1 was composed of 5 introns and 6 exons. GmPTF1 and GmPHR1 had 2 copies each in the genome, all located on chromosome 3 and 19. The ORF sequence of GmPTF1 was not different between Zhonghuang 15 (low phosphorus tolerance) and Bovine hair Yellow (low P tolerance). The ORF sequence of GmPHR1 was 1 base mutation between Zhonghuang 15, Jidou 11 (low phosphorus tolerance) and Bovine hair Yellow. The result is that the encoded protein has a change of 1 amino acid at 225th position. 3. 3. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that GmPTF1 was mainly expressed in soybean root system under low phosphorus treatment, and the expression of GmPTF1 in Zhonghuang 15 was higher than that in Bovine hair Yellow. GmPHR1 was mainly expressed in stem from low phosphorus treatment until 56d. The first peak of expression appeared at 0.5 h, then decreased slightly (6 h), and then the second peak appeared in 12 to 24 h after rapid induction, and the peak appeared at 6 h in cattle hair yellow. The expression of GmPHR1 in Jidou11 was decreased rapidly at 48h, and the expression of GmPHR1 in Jidou11 was always higher than that of Bovine hair yellow from 0.5-48h of low phosphorus treatment. The transcriptional activation activity of GmPTF1 was found to be located at the N-terminal and C-terminal of GmPHR1. Subcellular localization and fluorescence microscopical observation of GmPTF1 and GmPHR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana root system it was found that both GmPTF1 and GmPHR1 encoded proteins were located in the nucleus. Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana and wild type low phosphorus treatment showed that The root / shoot ratio of transgenic GmPTF1 superexpressed plants was higher than that of wild type and RNAi plants. The maximum root length of transgenic plants was lower than that of wild type and overexpression plants. GmPTF1 could promote the root growth of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana under low phosphorus. The aboveground dry weight, root dry weight, total plant dry weight, root to shoot ratio, maximum root length of GmPHR1 overexpressed plants were superior to those of wild type and RNAi plants, while the root dry weight of RNAi plants was better than that of wild type and RNAi plants. The total dry weight of plants was lower than that of wild type GmPHR1, which could improve the phosphorus utilization efficiency of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana under low phosphorus.
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