发布时间:2018-07-30 07:12
【摘要】:作为知识产权保护最后一道防线的知识产权的刑事保护制度,是否完善对一国知识产权未来发展的态势产生深远影响。本文揭示了我国知识产权刑事立法中存在的问题,对知识产权犯罪和知识产权刑事保护等相关概念进行了阐述,明晰了知识产权刑事保护的必要性和重要性。然后列举了西方国家知识产权刑事保护制度中较有特色、可为我国所借鉴的规定,参照TRIPS和世界知识产权刑事立法趋势,详细剖析我国知识产权刑事立法中存在的问题,最后提出完善建议。 本文共分四章。第一章是知识产权刑事立法概述,共分四节。第一节,通过对知识产权犯罪的概念和构成特征进行研究,,为之后的分析奠定定义基础。第二节,根据上节的分析对知识产权刑事保护的概念和必要性进行了阐释。第三节,我国知识产权的刑事立法现状进行了介绍。第四节介绍了TRIPS第61条及对我国知识知识产权刑事立法的影响,为第三章进一步分析我国知识产权刑事立法的问题打下了基础。 第二章分别介绍了美、英、德等发达国家的知识产权刑法保护体系。根据各国知识产权刑法保护的特点,从著作权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等较具特色且具有借鉴意义的方面进行了介绍。 第三章剖析了我国知识产权刑事立法中存在的缺陷。第一节是从罪名的设立角度阐释了我国刑事立法中所缺乏的应设而未设的罪名。第二节从罪状的表述上对我国相关的立法进行了质疑。第三节则从犯罪数额对犯罪既未遂的影响角度进行陈述。第四节,指出了我国现行的知识产权刑事立法的刑罚设定上存在的个别问题。 第四章是关于完善我国知识产权刑事保护的建议。本章共分四节,大体上与第三章的缺陷剖析部分相对应。本章在提出理论上的建议的同时重视实际操作性具备一定的指导实践的意义。
[Abstract]:Whether the criminal protection system of intellectual property, as the last line of defense of intellectual property, has a profound influence on the future development of intellectual property in a country. This paper reveals the problems existing in the criminal legislation of intellectual property in China, expounds the related concepts such as crime of intellectual property and criminal protection of intellectual property, and clarifies the necessity and importance of criminal protection of intellectual property. Then it enumerates the characteristics of criminal protection system of intellectual property in western countries, which can be used for reference by our country. Referring to TRIPS and the trend of criminal legislation of intellectual property in the world, this paper analyzes in detail the problems existing in the criminal legislation of intellectual property in our country. Finally, some suggestions are put forward. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of criminal legislation on intellectual property rights, which is divided into four sections. The first section, through the research of the concept and the constitution characteristic of the intellectual property right crime, establishes the definition foundation for the later analysis. The second section explains the concept and necessity of criminal protection of intellectual property. The third section, our country intellectual property right criminal legislation present situation has carried on the introduction. The fourth section introduces Article 61 of TRIPS and its influence on criminal legislation of intellectual property in China, which lays a foundation for further analysis of criminal legislation of intellectual property in Chapter three. The second chapter introduces the intellectual property criminal law protection system of the United States, Britain, Germany and other developed countries. According to the characteristics of the criminal law protection of intellectual property in various countries, this paper introduces the aspects of copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secret and so on. The third chapter analyzes the defects in the criminal legislation of intellectual property. The first section is to explain the lack of criminal legislation in China from the point of view of the establishment of the crime should not be established. The second section questions the relevant legislation of our country from the description of the crime. The third section states the impact of the amount of crime on the attempted crime. In the fourth section, the author points out some problems existing in the criminal legislation of intellectual property in our country. The fourth chapter is about consummates our country intellectual property right criminal protection suggestion. This chapter is divided into four sections, which correspond to the defect analysis part of Chapter 3. This chapter puts forward the theoretical suggestions while paying attention to the practical operation has a certain significance of guiding practice.
[Abstract]:Whether the criminal protection system of intellectual property, as the last line of defense of intellectual property, has a profound influence on the future development of intellectual property in a country. This paper reveals the problems existing in the criminal legislation of intellectual property in China, expounds the related concepts such as crime of intellectual property and criminal protection of intellectual property, and clarifies the necessity and importance of criminal protection of intellectual property. Then it enumerates the characteristics of criminal protection system of intellectual property in western countries, which can be used for reference by our country. Referring to TRIPS and the trend of criminal legislation of intellectual property in the world, this paper analyzes in detail the problems existing in the criminal legislation of intellectual property in our country. Finally, some suggestions are put forward. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of criminal legislation on intellectual property rights, which is divided into four sections. The first section, through the research of the concept and the constitution characteristic of the intellectual property right crime, establishes the definition foundation for the later analysis. The second section explains the concept and necessity of criminal protection of intellectual property. The third section, our country intellectual property right criminal legislation present situation has carried on the introduction. The fourth section introduces Article 61 of TRIPS and its influence on criminal legislation of intellectual property in China, which lays a foundation for further analysis of criminal legislation of intellectual property in Chapter three. The second chapter introduces the intellectual property criminal law protection system of the United States, Britain, Germany and other developed countries. According to the characteristics of the criminal law protection of intellectual property in various countries, this paper introduces the aspects of copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secret and so on. The third chapter analyzes the defects in the criminal legislation of intellectual property. The first section is to explain the lack of criminal legislation in China from the point of view of the establishment of the crime should not be established. The second section questions the relevant legislation of our country from the description of the crime. The third section states the impact of the amount of crime on the attempted crime. In the fourth section, the author points out some problems existing in the criminal legislation of intellectual property in our country. The fourth chapter is about consummates our country intellectual property right criminal protection suggestion. This chapter is divided into four sections, which correspond to the defect analysis part of Chapter 3. This chapter puts forward the theoretical suggestions while paying attention to the practical operation has a certain significance of guiding practice.
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