[Abstract]:Taking the patent database of China intellectual property Network as the data source, using the search strategy of classification number, keyword and combination of classification number and keyword, the patent data of 1997-2016 are classified by incoPat and other tools according to the number of applicants. The validity distribution is analyzed. The results show that since 1990, the number of patents in the field of bio-pesticides in China has increased steadily with the development of related technologies. The number of patents in the field of biological pesticides increased by about 30 per year to 14,022 in 2016. The categories of patents are mainly invention patents (96.03) and the applicants are enterprises (36.11%). The current situation of China's development is basically in line with the global development trend, and the protection of intellectual property rights in this field has been gradually strengthened. However, China still has a gap with developed countries in the research and development of new technologies in this field, so we should strengthen the strategic deployment of the development of new technologies in this field. We will further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and the depth of research on patent documents.
【作者单位】: 甘肃省科学技术情报研究所甘肃省科技评价监测重点实验室;兰州大学草地农业科技学院;
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