[Abstract]:The Israeli science and technology innovation system with six dimensions is of great significance for Shanghai to speed up the construction of a science and technology innovation center with global influence. Through reference, we can inject new elements into Shanghai urban spirit, and achieve breakthroughs in talent gathering, project evaluation right, achievement transfer, government funds guiding social investment, intellectual property protection and so on. Shanghai and Israel's scientific and technological innovation cooperation, far from the scope and depth. On the new node of innovation and cooperation between China and Israel, we should make sure that Shanghai is the important base of Sino-Israeli cooperation in the new round of "three-year action plan of innovation cooperation between China and Israel". And to develop the cooperation with Israel in three dimensions: to promote the realization of Shanghai and the "second Silicon Valley" Tel Aviv as a friendly city, and to promote "Shanghai Innovation Center" as the hub linking Shanghai and Israel in science and technology innovation cooperation. Create Israel-Shanghai-Changzhou three-party coordinated development of the "chain of scientific and technological innovation."
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学人文与传播学院;
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