
发布时间:2018-11-07 16:49
【摘要】:在当代,技术与资本既是现代社会发展的推动力量,又是现代性的根源所在。技术哲学界长期以来侧重于对技术工具理性的批判,而疏于对资本逻辑的批判。单纯对科学技术本身的批判可以从中获得必要的思想力量,但是缺乏的是物质力量。只有从资本逻辑的角度研究科学技术,才能获得真正的物质力量,即批判的武器和武器的批判相结合。因此,对技术和资本互动的历史与逻辑的考察一方面是技术哲学理论研究旨趣所在,另一方面也是技术哲学面对现代性的积极应答。 首先,论文对技术和资本的形态进行了共时性和历时态的考察。概括出社会需求和以产权制度为核心的社会经济关系二者的合力推动了技术的发展。在产权制度中,关键的要素是所有制,而资本的产权归属是所有制的焦点。科技革命和资本形成的机制体制创新的合力推动了资本形态的发展。 其次,论文以三次科技革命为主线,考察了技术与资本互动在不同历史阶段的表现形式。蒸汽时代,二者的互动体现为相互促进,表现为工艺学、工厂制度;电气时代,二者的互动表现为融合,体现为工业实验室、现代企业制度;信息时代,二者的互动表现为一体化,以高新技术产业区、跨国公司和知识产权资本化为主要载体。同时,梳理了在各个时代技术异化的不同表现形式:在蒸汽时代,技术异化开始显现;在电气时代,技术成为社会运行的基本准则,出现单向度的社会和单向度的人;在信息时代,风险社会的全面到来和跨国公司在技术转移中形成的马太效应。 再次,论文对技术与资本互动进行了逻辑分析。技术与资本互动何以可能,二者存在着逻辑关系上的契合,表现在本质关系、共时性和历时态三个方面。本质关系上的共契表现技术本质与资本增殖的契合,控制意志的一致性以及技术权力是资本权力的统治力量和模式;二者在共时性方面的交融表现在:技术按照资本的本性从功效性向盈利性转变,资本的技术构成决定资本的价值构成。二者在历时态方面的契合表现在:技术形态决定着资本形态的发展,资本的有机构成随着技术革命的发展或提高或降低。 技术与资本互动呈现出“强关联性”和“共生性”的特点。“强关联性”是指技术与资本相互塑造,彼此改变各自的基因和形态。资本使科学技术意识形态化,技术使资本具有生产力的功能,也促使剩余价值占有主体变迁;“共生性”表现为技术与资本一体化,即技术资本化和资本技术化。二者的对立表现为有限性与无限性的悖论即资本增殖的无限性和技术有限性的对立,科学技术最终消灭资本。 最后,本文提出了技术与资本互动的现实困境和未来走向。技术的资本使用带来了一系列的技术伦理问题:机器对技术使用主体的奴役;人与自然关系的对立和人类精神生活的现代性。中国社会仍然处于技术与资本互动的社会。因此,一是要把技术批判和资本逻辑批判统一起来,建立技术批判的资本维度。要建立“以人为本”的资本伦理价值观,从资本伦理的视角对科技伦理进行创新和发展;二是建立创新型国家来克服技术转移中的马太效应。
[Abstract]:In the present time, technology and capital are both the driving force of the development of the modern society and the origin of the modernity. The technical philosophy circle has long focused on the criticism of the technology tool reason, and the criticism of the capital logic. The mere criticism of science and technology can get the necessary ideological power from it, but the lack of material power is the material power. Only by studying science and technology from the angle of capital logic can the real material force be obtained, that is, the critical combination of the critical weapon and the weapon. Therefore, the study of the history and logic of technology and capital interaction is the interest of the theoretical research of the technology philosophy, and on the other hand, it is the positive response of the technology philosophy to the modernity. First, the paper makes a total and diachronic state of the form of technology and capital. The paper summarizes the social demand and the social and economic relation, which is the core of the property right system, and promotes the technology. In the property right system, the key elements are the ownership, and the ownership of the capital is owned by the ownership The combination of the scientific and technological revolution and the institutional innovation of the capital formation has driven the capital form Secondly, the thesis takes three scientific and technological revolutions as the main line, and investigates the interaction between technology and capital in different historical stages The interaction between the two is the integration of the industrial laboratory and the modern enterprise system in the information age. Capitalization of technology industry, transnational corporations and intellectual property It is the main carrier. At the same time, the different forms of the technology dissimilation in the various times are combing: in the time of steam, the technology dissimilation is beginning to appear; in the electric time, the technology becomes the basic principle of the social operation, and the one-way social and one-way degree is present; In the information age, the overall arrival of the risk society and the formation of the transnational corporations in the technology transfer The horse's effect. Again, the paper has a mutual understanding of technology and capital. The logic analysis is carried out. The possibility of the interaction between the technology and the capital is the combination of the logical relation, the nature relation and the common-time nature. In essence, the agreement between the essence and the proliferation of the capital, the consistency of the control will and the power of the technology are the power and mode of the power of the capital. The transformation of the effect to the profit and the technology of the capital The combination of the two in the diachronic state is: the technology form determines the development of the capital form, the organic composition of the capital follows the technological revolution Development or improvement or reduction. The interaction between technology and capital presents a 鈥渟trong correlation鈥,




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