[Abstract]:With the development of professionalization and commercialization of competitive sports, a large number of sports non-patent technologies have emerged in sports practice. These technologies have condensed the wisdom and experience of the creators, and have the characteristics of novelty, creativity and practicability. However, it is unable to apply for patent under the provisions of the Patent Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law), so it cannot be protected by the Patent Law. Sports non-patent technology belongs to the field of private law, so it should be adjusted by the relevant norms of civil legal relations. The analysis method of civil legal relationship is the most basic analysis method, so it will be beneficial to analyze sports non-patent technology from the angle of civil legal relationship. The main body of sports non-patent technology shall include natural person, legal person, state and other organizations. The main object of the legal relationship of non-patented sports technology shall include complete sets of technical movements, sports nutrition techniques, sports trauma prevention techniques, key sports technical movements, athletes' selection techniques, sports testing techniques, training and management techniques, Anti-violation technology, referee design technology, major sports events arrangement technology and sports competition technology. The content of the legal relationship of sports non-patent technology is mainly the rights and obligations of the participants. Since sports non-patented technology is not only related to the protection of private interests but also to the maintenance of public interest, the guiding ideology of legal protection should follow the principle of balance of interests in intellectual property law. According to the characteristics of sports non-patent technology, different ways of legal protection should be established before and after implementation. In the setting of the civil liability mode of legal protection, we should insist on the pluralistic liability system centered on cessation of infringement, apology and compensation for losses.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
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