
发布时间:2018-12-16 18:16
【摘要】:随着社会经济的不断向前发展,知识产权蕴含着的巨大经济价值日益显现,法律对相关知识产权的保护力度也日渐增强。假冒注册商标罪是我国刑法中侵犯知识产权犯罪的重要组成部分,而非法经营数额是划分其罪与非罪、罪轻与罪重的重要数据标准,对非法经营数额的准确认定将直接影响案件的最终判罚结果。然而,根据笔者对全国124个以假冒注册商标罪定罪判罚的刑事判决书进行的统计分析得知,假冒注册商标罪非法经营数额在确定过程中存在着大量计算标准适用混乱的问题。这些问题的产生以及由此造成的困境,导致了司法裁判有悖于刑法的基本理论与司法的公平公正,立法的疏忽、制度的缺失、司法工作人员对法律文本的机械式依赖是根本原因。但由于法律本身在立法和司法过程中固有的局限性,目前的司法解释无法完全从根本上解决所有问题,故只有对现有的计算体系进行大胆的改革,方为走出当前困境的唯一途径。 本文正文部分主要包含了以下三个方面的内容:一、我国假冒注册商标罪中非法经营数额计算标准的法律适用现状,,该部分以大量的案例统计为基础,通过详细的数据揭示了当前非法经营数额计算标准在适用过程中出现的混乱现状、引发的问题以及由此导致的后果;二、非法经营数额计算标准的研析,该部分对非法经营数额现存的多种计算标准展开充分的剖析与探究,通过对五种标准的客观分析,探讨各自存在的优劣利弊及实践价值,力图为后文的结论性创新构想提供充足的理论铺垫;三、非法经营数额计算标准的再选择与适用,笔者在这一部分大胆的提出了计算非法经营数额的新模式,在现有标准的基础上进行种类和顺序的重新选择,以期获得更好的法律适用效果。 本文的最终结论为,以被侵权产品的市场中间价格作为计算非法经营数额的主要标准,以侵权产品的标价为标准次之,再辅以指定估价机构的估价结论,最终确定非法经营数额。这一新的计算模式,大大加强了对假冒注册商标犯罪的刑事打击力度,能够在面对当前严峻的犯罪形势时,更好的保护商标权利人及消费者的合法权益,实现刑法法律效果与社会效果的统一。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, the enormous economic value contained in intellectual property rights is becoming more and more obvious, and the protection of relevant intellectual property rights by law is increasingly strengthened. The crime of counterfeiting registered trademark is an important part of the crime of infringing intellectual property in the criminal law of our country. The accurate determination of the amount of illegal business will directly affect the final penalty result of the case. However, according to the statistical analysis of 124 criminal judgments for the conviction and punishment of the crime of counterfeiting registered trademark in China, the author finds that there is a large number of confusion in the calculation of the illegal operating amount of the crime of counterfeiting registered trademark in the process of determining. The emergence of these problems and the difficulties caused by them have led to judicial decisions that run counter to the basic theory of criminal law and the fairness and fairness of justice, the negligence of legislation and the absence of systems. The fundamental reason is the mechanical dependence of the judicial staff on the legal texts. However, due to the inherent limitations of the law itself in the legislative and judicial process, the current judicial interpretation cannot completely solve all the problems fundamentally, so it is only to carry out a bold reform of the existing computing system. Fang is the only way out of the current predicament. The main body of this paper mainly includes the following three aspects: first, the current situation of the legal application of the calculation standard of illegal business amount in the crime of counterfeit registered trademark in China, which is based on a large number of case statistics. Through the detailed data to reveal the current illegal business amount calculation standard in the application of the confusion of the status quo, the resulting problems and the consequences; Second, the analysis of the calculation standard of the illegal business amount, this part carries out the full analysis and exploration of the existing various calculation standards of the illegal business amount, through the objective analysis of the five kinds of standards, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each existence and its practical value. The author tries to provide sufficient theoretical foundation for the conclusion innovation in the following articles; Third, the re-selection and application of the calculation standard of the illegal business amount. In this part, the author boldly puts forward a new model of calculating the illegal business amount, and on the basis of the existing standards, the author makes a new choice of the type and order. In order to obtain better legal application effect. The final conclusion of this paper is that the market intermediate price of the infringing product is regarded as the main criterion for calculating the amount of illegal operation, followed by the price tag of the infringing product, followed by the valuation conclusion of the designated valuation agency. Finally determine the amount of illegal business. This new calculation model has greatly strengthened the criminal crackdown on the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and has been able to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of trademark owners and consumers in the face of the current severe criminal situation. Realize the unification of legal effect and social effect of criminal law.


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