
发布时间:2018-12-16 20:47
【摘要】:21世纪以知识经济的繁荣为特征,知识经济社会的来临,意味着利用无形财产来为融资提供担保的必要性日益增加;知识经济社会的到来,意味着知识产权质押在今后相当长一段时期内成为知识产权运用的风向标。我国企业尤其是科技型中小企业是目前最有发展潜力和创新活力的群体,在建设创新型国家的战略中有着举足轻重的地位,,但由于投资科技型中小企业的风险较大,致使其贷款融资难成为一个全球性并备受关注的问题。 在我国发展知识产权质押制度对构建和发展社会主义市场经济具有十分重要的意义。知识产权质押制度不仅充分实现质押标的物的财产性价值,更有利于丰富我国的融资模式,改善融资结构,降低金融风险。为科技中小型企业的发展增添了一道曙光。我国知识产权质押制度虽然发展缓慢,但是主动学习国外的先进模式和政策、积极出台相关制度、努力探求相应机制使得我国知识产权质押制度取得了一些成功。 文章在进行知识产权质押一般问题的界定基础上,运用案例分析法、比较研究法和经济分析法对该制度进行阐述。在学习国外知识产权质押制度的过程中,指出我国知识产权质押制度的立法现状和缺陷,并积极开展我国知识产权质押制度理论和实践的建设。文章除引言外,主体共分四个部分。 第一部分从知识产权质押这一概念界定出发,阐述了与之相关的概念,并从主体——知识产权出质人和质权人,客体——知识产权质押标的物,及内容出发解释知识产权的概念。具体阐述了知识产权质押标的物的特点和类型,并就知识产权质押的特点进行说明。本部分结合现实社会中科技型中小企业的发展状况阐述了知识产权质押应用的重要性,不仅有利于知识产权质押标的物财产性价值的充分发挥,更有利于解决科技型中小企业融资难的问题。 第二部分讲述了大陆法系和英美法系国家的知识产权制度以及制度的比较和借鉴。列举了如美国、日本、德国等国家的知识产权质押融资模式和发展状况。从这些发达国家知识产权质押制度的发展情况中可以看出,这些国家都非常重视知识产权质押在本国的运用。与此同时,这些国家试图通过各种途径竭力保护知识产权质押制度,以便其健康的发展。例如日本通过“政策投资银行”,强调政府和政策在整个融资体系中的主导地位;德国则通过各机构联合分担知识产权质押风险来完善和发展知识产权质押制度。我国通过对发达国家质押方式的学习,正在努力完善符合我国国情的知识产权质押制度:逐渐重视政府在质押过程中的作用,建立知识产权交易平台等。 第三部分主要论述了我国知识产权质押制度立法的概况、沿革和现状。了解到我国知识产权质押制度发展起步晚、发展的并不完善以及诸多方面存在的不足。通过对知识产权质押制度实体内容和程序内容的研究,得知我国知识产权质押制度在登记方面、评估制度方面、标的物的选择等实体和内容方面都存在缺陷:比如我国评估制度不完善、登记机构不统一、质押标的物变现难、出质人权利过于限制等。并且阐述了我国知识产权质押制度间的矛盾与冲突。 第四部分是文章的重点和创新点所在。本部分对应着知识产权质押制度的缺陷进行了三部分的完善,并对知识产权质押制度的冲突问题加以解决。第一小部分是针对知识产权实体内容的问题阐述的,主要解决知识产权质押标的物的选择和评估制度的完善;第二小部分是针对知识产权质押登记制度的完善:统一登记机构,充实登记制度,完善登记规则;第三小部分解决了知识产权质押过程中的风险防范问题。针对我国目前出现的质押风险问题,我国可以采取构建风险分散机制,通过各个机构来共同分散知识产权质押过程中可能发生的风险;也可以加强银行的审查能力,给银行更多的自主权,让银行学会科学判断发放质押贷款的门槛;同理,我国还能通过完善风险防范机制对知识产权质押的风险做到积极有效应对。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is characterized by the prosperity of knowledge economy and the coming of knowledge economy and society, which means that the necessity of using intangible property to provide guarantee for financing is increasing, and the arrival of knowledge economy and society. It means that the pledge of intellectual property will become the wind-oriented mark of the application of intellectual property in a period of considerable length. Small and medium-sized enterprises in our country, especially small and medium-sized and small-sized and medium-sized enterprises, are the most potential and innovative groups at present, have a very important position in the strategy of building an innovative country, but because of the high risk of investment and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, It is a problem that the financing of the loan is difficult to become a global and attention. The development of the intellectual property pledge system in China is of great importance to the construction and development of the socialist market economy The intellectual property pledge system not only fully realizes the property value of the pledged subject matter, but also helps to enrich the financing mode of our country, improve the financing structure and reduce the financial wind. Insurance. It adds to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in science and technology In the light of the slow development of the intellectual property pledge system in our country, we actively study the advanced models and policies of the foreign countries, actively introduce the relevant system, and try to explore the corresponding mechanism so that the intellectual property pledge system of our country has made some progress On the basis of the definition of the general problems of the pledge of intellectual property, the paper applies the case analysis method, the comparative study method and the economic analysis method to the system. In the course of studying foreign intellectual property pledge system, the paper points out the current legislative status and defect of the pledge system of intellectual property right in China, and actively carries out the theory and practice of the intellectual property pledge system in our country. Construction of the article. In addition to the introduction, the subject is divided into four parts. The first part, from the definition of the concept of the pledge of intellectual property, expounds the related concept, and explains the knowledge from the subject _ intellectual property right person and the quality right person, the object _ intellectual property pledge subject matter and the content. The concept of property right is described in detail. The characteristics and types of the subject matter of the pledge of intellectual property are set forth, and the pledge of intellectual property rights is given. This part expounds the importance of the application of intellectual property pledge in combination with the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the real society, which not only is beneficial to the full play of the property value of the subject matter of the intellectual property, but also is more beneficial to the solution of the melting of the small and medium-sized enterprises The second part is about the intellectual property system and the system of the continental law system and the common law system. The comparison and reference of the degree of intellectual property rights of the countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany and other countries are listed. in that context of the development of the intellectual property pledge system of these developed country, it can be seen that these countries attach great importance to the quality of intellectual property In the meantime, these countries are trying to protect the intellectual property pledge system through various means, The development of its health, for example, through the 鈥減olicy investment bank鈥




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