[Abstract]:Robbery is not only a complex crime, but also a serious violation of personal rights and property rights and interests. Although the Criminal Law of our country has already made more specific provisions on the crime of robbery in Article 263, and the Supreme people's Court has successively issued several judicial interpretations on the crime of robbery, it has enhanced the operability of the determination of robbery crimes. It has played a great guiding role in judicial practice. However, due to the emergence of new situations and problems in judicial practice, the criminal law theorists and judicial practice circles are understanding, There are many differences in the application of criminal law and related articles of judicial interpretation, and there are many different judgments in the same case and different sentences in the same case, which has caused quite serious obstacles to the implementation of judicial justice in our country. In order to serve the judicial practice and effectively crack down on the crime of robbery, this paper makes a thorough discussion on some difficult problems of the crime of robbery by combining the theory with the practical case, and puts forward the author's own viewpoint. Based on the general theory of the constitution of the crime of robbery, this paper makes a general discussion on the subject, subjective aspect, object and objective aspect of the crime of robbery. With regard to the object of robbery, this paper divides the special type of crime which may be considered as robbery into the category of crime object which should be included in the crime of robbery. It should be brought into the category of crime object of robbery and not included in the category of object of crime of robbery according to the actual situation, the interests of virtual property, intangible property, illegal property, immovable property and property of network, according to the actual situation, should be brought into the category of crime object of robbery. The intellectual property and the perpetrator's own property are discussed and the conclusion is drawn. With regard to the objective aspects of robbery, this paper starts with the connotation of violence, coercion and other methods, and draws the following conclusion: the object of violence not only does not include objects, but also does not include interested parties present; The act of violence taken by the actor should not only exclude the victim's resistance subjectively, but also cause or possibly cause the objective result of excluding the victim's resistance objectively; the act of omission and coercion does not constitute the crime of robbery. Implying that the act of coercion should constitute the crime of robbery under certain conditions; The definition of other methods refers to the behavior in which the victim is subjected to violence or coercion on the spot, which can make the victim fall into a state of unknown resistance, unable to resist or dare not resist. On this basis, the behavior of other methods is classified to fill the gap in this field. In the judicial practice, the crime of robbery is easily confused with the crime of robbery and extortion, so in the seventh chapter, by combing the theory of the distinction between crime and crime, and analyzing some difficult cases that have more controversy, The distinction between the crime of robbery and the two crimes is defined.
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