[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more enterprises and individuals begin to pay attention to the protection of intellectual property. One of the purposes of patent system design is to give all-round legal protection to the obligee. By the end of 2012, the cumulative authorization of invention patents in China had reached one million one hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and ninety nine. With the number of patent applications increasing year by year, the number of patent infringement litigation is also rising. In order to evade the investigation of the law and avoid being involved in patent infringement litigation, some enterprises adopt the way of omitting the technical characteristics and changing the technical characteristics to change the patent technology scheme, which has become the common means for enterprises to evade the patent technology. In patent infringement litigation, if the alleged tort technology is found to be infringing, it either constitutes the same tort, or constitutes the same tort. If the technical scheme after changing or omitting the technical characteristics becomes worse in terms of effect, function, and so on, rather than being optimized, it has not achieved basically the same function and achieved basically the same effect, and this situation does not meet the requirements of the same infringement. It also does not seem to meet the requirements of the principle of equivalence, so does it constitute a tort? Some companies, individuals use this way to try to exploit the gap in the law, to avoid patent infringement litigation. So can this situation really circumvent the laws and regulations of patent infringement? Can the criteria of the principle of equivalence be applied to judge? Local courts have different views on this issue, and there is no unified opinion in academia, which undoubtedly constitutes a great confusion and threat to the patentee. Then, in the face of the principle of comprehensive coverage, the principle of equivalent infringement, the principle of superfluous designation and so on, how does the court determine this issue? What is the attitude towards this issue in the legislation and jurisprudence of various countries in the world? What is worth learning from? In this paper, comparative logic analysis, comparative analysis, empirical analysis and other methods are used to comprehensively explore whether the behavior of omitting the technical characteristics and changing the technical characteristics to reduce the technical effectiveness of the technical scheme constitutes patent infringement. At the same time, a preliminary criterion is put forward. This paper is divided into four parts: in the first part, the problem is introduced and the concept of substandard behavior is discussed from the comparison between the technical characteristics of the products or methods covered by the alleged infringement and the technical characteristics of the patent. The scope of deterioration behavior is obtained, and the classification of bad behavior is carried out. The second part mainly describes the legal application of this kind of cases in the courts of various parts of our country at present, as well as the theoretical discussion viewpoint of scholars, and briefly introduces the attitude of several other countries to this problem. The third part analyzes the relationship between the principle of equivalence, the principle of donation, the principle of estoppel and the bad behavior. It is concluded that the principle of equivalence should be applied to judge whether or not the altered act is infringed or not, while the principle of overall coverage should not be used to judge the infringement. The fourth part, according to the above-mentioned analysis and combined with the provisions of the current law of our country, puts forward the criterion of judging whether or not the act of deterioration is infringed or not. The practical significance of this paper is to probe into whether bad behavior constitutes patent infringement in an all-round way, and put forward some judgment criteria to provide some reference for enterprises and courts. However, due to the limited level, there are still many places that are not thoroughly excavated, implored the reader to give advice.
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