[Abstract]:Parallel import is a complex and cross-cutting problem in the field of international intellectual property law and international trade law. It has also been one of the hot topics in the field of international economic law and intellectual property law. In the early stage of the restoration of the legal system, China did not pay attention to the issue of parallel imports. However, with China's entry into the WTO and the acceleration of the pace of international exchanges, the research and exploration on this issue has become more urgent and necessary. This article mainly analyzes the legal regulation of the developed countries or regions, such as the United States and the European Union, including its legislative background, judicial practice, law enforcement measures and so on. This paper also analyzes the development, current situation and shortcomings of the understanding of the problem under the legal system of our country, and puts forward some legislative suggestions accordingly. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter expounds the regulation of parallel import of trademark products under the judicial system of the United States in an all-round way. As a country that has experienced all-round development, the theoretical research and judicial practice of parallel imports in the United States are representative and can be used for reference in both depth and breadth. Accordingly, under its whole legal system, both the Customs Law, the Trademark Law and the Customs regulations as border measures are involved in the issue of parallel imports. This paper also makes a specific study and analysis of the above-mentioned fields of legal norms. The second chapter analyzes the legal regulation of parallel import in the European Union, the largest economic community in the world. In view of the particularity of EU, which is different from other independent countries or economies, this paper firstly analyzes the impact of economic policies within EU on the legal measures of parallel imports from the perspective of economy for the purpose of realizing the free flow of goods. Secondly, from the legal point of view, the EU, in order to achieve the maximum coordination of the legal system among the member states, and the EU, as a unified economy in its foreign trade exchanges, are among the member states of the EU. Rules and standards for handling parallel import issues. The third chapter analyzes from the angle of view of our country, especially after entering WTO, our country gradually connects with the international trade mark law and customs law at the level of economy and legal system, the trademark law and the customs law of our country have also made the corresponding revision and consummation. However, the research on parallel import in our country started relatively late, and there are still great imperfections. This chapter analyzes the current situation and defects of the legal regulation of parallel import in China from the angle of legislation and practice, and according to the United States, Compared with the law of our country, some legislative suggestions are put forward by drawing lessons from the experience of European Union (EU) related laws and regulations. As a conclusion, the issue of parallel imports is extremely complicated and closely related to economic policies. China should learn from foreign advanced experience and combine the characteristics of law, policy and economy of our country. Find a most suitable way to regulate the situation in our country.
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