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situated education approach business administration edueatio

发布时间:2016-09-30 21:03



Concept, Constructs and Synergy Effect of Situated Education System in Business Administration Education

[1] [2] [3]

SU Jing-qin, CUI Miao, WANG Shu-juan (Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning 116024, China)



AbstrIt becomes more and more obviously that situated education approaches are advanta- geous in business administration education. However, its theoretical bases still need to he ex- plored. In line with this idea, this paper investigates the concept and constructs of situated educa- tion system in business administration education. Then subjects in each approach, learning process, cognition to knowledge and underlying learning mechanism are analyzed. Finally, the synergy among different approaches is announced since they are with different features in terms of situation construction subject, situation intensity, interaction objects and collaboration and com- munication intensity. The situated education synergy system is constructed by combining the ad- vantages of different approaches. The use of this synergy system will be helpful both in enhan- cing learning and deepening the understanding of corresponding knowledge.


Keyword::situated education approach business administration edueation learning theory syn- ergy constractivism


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课题项目:PORC框架下的中国国家自主创新体系国际化的理论与政策研究(国家自然科学基金重点课题,71033002); 新兴服务业生态网络中核心企业创新生成机理研究(教育部人文社科基金项目,12YJA630129)







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