本文关键词:我国新能源企业技术创新机会发现研究 出处:《广东财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:New energy industry is one of the seven strategic emerging industries in our country. At present, it is in the stage of vigorous development, its technology development speed is fast, has not yet formed a fixed technology paradigm. The new energy enterprises often encounter the problem of wrong decision when they make the decision of technological innovation management. New energy enterprises are the important force to promote the development of new energy. The success or failure of the technological innovation within the enterprise may determine the future development of the enterprise, and may also affect the development direction of the whole new energy industry technology. Therefore, the quality of technological decision-making of the new energy enterprises in China will be improved. It will help to reduce the risk of technological innovation failure in new energy enterprises and promote the development of new energy enterprises. It can reveal the opportunities and risks in the technological innovation activities. This paper makes use of the centrality analysis, the condensed subgroup analysis and the cluster analysis results in the coterm analysis method to reveal the hot spots of technological innovation in the new energy enterprises of our country at present. On the basis of the technological competition relationship between technological innovation factions and larger new energy enterprises, this paper analyzes the opportunity of technological innovation of new energy enterprises in China. Through the analysis, battery related technologies are found. Photovoltaic related technology and wind power related technology are more prominent in the new energy enterprise technology innovation, which is considered to be the focus of attention of new energy enterprises in our country. This paper also divides the technological innovation of Chinese new energy enterprises into 12 technical factions and clusters 35 sample enterprises according to the technological factions. Finally, the opportunity and risk of technological innovation of new energy enterprises in China are analyzed.
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