[Abstract]:In order to quantify the uncertainty of wind turbine output, there is a risk of energy transaction in virtual power plant because of the existence of renewable distributed power source with wind turbine and other force fluctuation in virtual power plant. After considering the uncertain factors of wind turbine output, the profit-risk model of virtual power plant energy market is constructed by using the (WCVaR) method of conditional risk value in the worst-case scenario, which includes operating cost, power sale income and interactive income. Then the genetic algorithm is used to solve the problem, and an example is given to analyze the generating capacity, interactive income and carbon emissions of the units at different risk levels. The validity of the proposed model is verified by the WCVaR, which provides theoretical support for the analysis of the effect of wind turbine output on the income, risk and carbon reduction of the virtual power plant.
【作者单位】: 成都信息工程大学控制工程学院;国网四川省电力公司成都供电公司;四川大学电气信息学院;
【基金】:四川省科技厅项目(2015GZ0204) 四川省教育厅项目(15ZA0193)~~
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