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发布时间:2018-10-22 18:26
[Abstract]:Technological innovation is the source of economic development, and technological competitiveness is also the fundamental force that influences the pattern of industry competition and the future development direction. In order to cope with the current domestic and international competition situation and meet the demands of future development, Chinese mobile phone enterprises are focusing on enhancing their technological competitiveness. The research on the technological competitiveness of domestic mobile phone will help Chinese mobile phone enterprises to understand their own strength more clearly, consolidate the domestic market and go deep into all levels of the global market in order to realize real internationalization. Firstly, this paper analyzes the technological evolution of the global mobile phone market, reviews the technological development path of China's mobile phone industry, and studies the technological development forms of Huawei, ZTE, Cool School, Lenovo and other representative Chinese mobile phone companies. Secondly, based on the relevant patent data of 150322 mobile phone technology fields in the Derwent patent information database, the relevant indexes of mobile phone enterprises' technological competitiveness are calculated, and they are informed that Chinese mobile phone enterprises are currently in the three most popular mainstream technologies of mobile phones, that is, human-computer interaction. Application and service, low power consumption and other fields of technological competitiveness, then using the patent combination model, from the perspective of technological competition potential to further explore the technological competitiveness of Chinese mobile phone enterprises; According to the technical competitive strength and the potential of technological competition, this paper analyzes the research results and draws a conclusion that there is still a certain gap between the technological competitiveness of Chinese mobile phone enterprises and industrial benchmarking enterprises, but the momentum of development is swift and violent. New technology research and development, new technology development, and foreign mobile phone enterprises have been tired; in the three hot mainstream technology areas, Chinese mobile phone companies in the application and service, low power consumption, has shown their heads. In the future, Chinese mobile phone enterprises can invest more funds and manpower in the field of human-computer interaction technology, and gradually transfer the investment in the field of application and service to low power consumption, so as to promote the overall enhancement of the technological competitiveness of Chinese mobile phone enterprises. Finally, from the angle of enterprise and government, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the technological competitiveness and the future development of Chinese mobile phone enterprises.


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