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发布时间:2018-11-14 10:06
[Abstract]:The emergence of electronic documents has brought great impact to the traditional document management mode. As a large file type, large number of electronic files, high frequency of document use, and high level of document management, the space system archives management department is lagging behind in document management information. The application of electronic document management system has become an urgent need for space systems to efficiently manage documents. The outsourcing of electronic document management system software development by aerospace units not only helps to focus on formulating and perfecting enterprise development plans, but also helps to cut down system development costs and reduce the risk of product development failure. To improve the service efficiency and management level of space systems. However, spaceflight units have particularity in scientific research document format, information security management and so on, so outsourcing software development will face a lot of risks. In this paper, the risk management of software outsourcing in electronic document management system of aerospace units is studied by means of literature survey, questionnaire survey, fish-prick diagram and analytic hierarchy process. First of all, through the literature survey method, combined with the work experience, analyzes the existing problems in the document management of aerospace units, discusses the necessity of the application of electronic document management system and the feasibility of software outsourcing. The core functions and non-functional requirements of electronic document management system are analyzed. Secondly, by means of questionnaire survey and fish-prickly diagram, the stage risk and comprehensive risk of software development in the process of outsourcing are identified. It is found that the stage risk includes demand investigation risk, contractor evaluation and selection risk, contract clause risk and so on. The comprehensive risk includes information security risk, bilateral moral hazard and innovation ability degradation risk. Then using AHP (AHP) to evaluate the risk factors, the importance of risk factors is analyzed from three aspects: the degree of risk influence, probability of occurrence, degree of controllability. It is considered that the most important risk factors for software outsourcing in aerospace units are contract clause risk, demand change risk, schedule and quality risk, etc. The less important risk is innovation ability degradation risk and personnel allocation risk. Finally, according to the characteristics and effects of different risk sources, the corresponding risk coping strategies are put forward. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: aerospace units can outsource the software of electronic document management system, but they need to do a good job of risk management, especially to control and guard against the risk of contract terms, to evaluate and select the risks of contractors. Demand research risk and information security risk. Spaceflight units should do a good job of risk management in demand analysis, contractor selection, contract management and control of outsourcing implementation process to avoid, mitigate and transfer all kinds of risks faced by software outsourcing process. The conclusions obtained in this paper can provide decision guidance for spaceflight units or other enterprises and institutions in the risk management when they outsource software development.


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