发布时间:2018-01-02 23:33
本文关键词:城市商业银行转型中的问题与对策探索 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 城市商业银行 发展转型 五力模型 SWOT分析法
【摘要】:从08年金融危机以来,国际经济格局发生了重大的变化,世界经济整体下滑,失业率居高不下,而国际金融市场更是错综复杂,各个国家和地区在金融危机的冲击下发展放缓,欧债危机持续恶化并逐步蔓延,欧元“生存问题”的争论,更是加剧了全球金融市场的波动。国内经济形势也出现了或多或少的问题,人民币面临巨大的升值压力,贸易保护主义抬头,出口面临挑战,股市持续低迷,房地产市场不景气,通货膨胀居高不下,消费者权益保护意识日益提升,这些都严重制约了金融行业的发展。近年来,国内的金融机构为了抢占市场,纷纷采取快速甚至是盲目的扩张,这无疑埋下了很多隐患。国家加大了利率市场化的进程,外资银行也加快了进入中国的步伐,凭借其专业的管理优势,强势抢占中国的金融市场,进一步加剧了我国银行业的竞争。国内消费及理财需求也在不断提升,消费者对银行服务的要求也越来越高,传统的银行业务不能满足消费者日益增长的需求,提供多元化的服务将成为银行业的发展趋势,银行必须实现从分业经营到混业经营的转变,从传统的专业银行到综合性的金融机构的转变。我国城市商业银行经历了十多年的迅猛发展,为中国经济尤其是地方经济的发展做出了突出的贡献。然而,近年来,由于管理方式、经营体制、地域限制等一系列的原因,城市商业银行的发展出现了不可忽视的问题,同时随着市场竞争的加剧,原本处于垄断地位的银行业也面临着巨大的冲击,WTO的五年缓冲期也已结束,外资银行将大批量的涌入国内市场。在这种情况下,城市商业银行的发展显得更加举步维艰,传统的发展模式不再适应城市商业银行发展的需要,转型显得越来越迫切,转型成为我国城市商业银行发展的必经之路。本文先对我国城市商业银行的发展历程及现状进行了分析,然后运用五力分析模型及SW0T分析法对我国城市商业银行转型中的相关问题进行探讨,在此基础上分别选取了三家有典型意义的商业银行的成功案例进行分析,分别是作为国内成功上市的三家城市商业银行之一的南京银行,作为西南地区资产规模最大的城市商业银行的成都银行,以及极具特色的日本番茄银行。最后结合以上内容对我国城市商业银行转型的对策进行探索。 第一部分为本文的选题背景、选题目的与意义、研究方法、研究思路及文献综述,第二部分对我国城市商业银行发展历程及现状进行分析,第三部分运用五力分析模型及SWOT分析法对我国城市商业银行转型中的相关问题进行探讨,第四部分对南京银行、成都银行及日本番茄银行的成功案例进行分析,第五部分探索我国城市商业银行转型的对策,第六部分为结论。 本文主要对中国城市商业银行转型中的相关问题及对策进行了尝试性的分析探索,目的是能够将前人研究成果和中国城市商业银行的实际发展状况有机结合起来。但是鉴于自身知识的浅薄和工作经验的欠缺,文中肯定存在许多的不足和片面之处,敬请专家学者们给予批评指正,本人将在以后的工作中继续学习、继续探索。谢谢各位评审老师和答辩老师!
[Abstract]:Since the financial crisis in 2008 , the international economic structure has changed greatly , the whole world economy has declined , the unemployment rate is high , and the international financial market is more complex . In recent years , China ' s financial institutions have become more and more complicated . In recent years , China ' s financial institutions have become more and more difficult . On the basis of this , the successful cases of three typical commercial banks are analyzed , which are Nanjing Bank , one of the three commercial banks successfully listed in China , as well as the Chengdu Bank of the city commercial bank with the largest asset scale in Southwest China . Finally , the countermeasures of the transformation of China ' s urban commercial banks are explored in combination with the above . The first part is divided into the background , the purpose and the meaning , the research method , the research thinking and the literature review , the second part analyzes the development course and the present situation of the city commercial bank in China , the third part uses the five - force analysis model and SWOT analysis method to analyze the relevant problems in the transformation of China ' s urban commercial banks , and the fourth part analyzes the successful cases of Nanjing Bank , Chengdu Bank and Japan tomato bank , and the fifth part explores the countermeasures of the transformation of China ' s urban commercial banks , and the sixth part is divided into conclusions . This paper makes a tentative analysis and exploration on the related problems and countermeasures in the transformation of Chinese urban commercial banks . The aim is to combine the previous research results with the actual development status of Chinese urban commercial banks . However , in view of the lack of their knowledge and the lack of work experience , there are many deficiencies and a few moments in the paper , and experts and scholars are invited to continue to study in the future work . Thank you for reviewing teachers and answering teachers !
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