本文关键词: 银行 银信合作 信托公司 合作模式 出处:《天津商业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Together with banks, securities and insurance, the trust industry is known as the four pillars of the financial market. With the unique institutional advantages in the financial market has a very good development prospects. However, with the deepening of financial reform in China, the arrival of "pan-capital management era" is inevitable. The banking and trust industry are facing increasingly fierce competition. In order to form a new profit growth point, they must strengthen cooperation. However, in the traditional sense of bank trust cooperation. Because of the lack of a stable and efficient business model, both fail to find their own market positioning correctly. Failed to fully play their active role in the national economy. This paper takes the domestic banking and credit cooperation business as the research object, on the basis of combining the related concepts and theories of the banking and credit cooperation. It summarizes the development course of the banking and credit management in the developed countries, and sums up the advanced experience of the foreign bank and credit cooperation. It provides a good reference for the development of China's banking and credit cooperation business. Then it systematically analyzes the current situation and main modes of our country's bank and letter cooperation business, and then points out the problems existing in our country's current banking and credit cooperation business. According to the background of the new economic situation and the supervision policy, the paper puts forward the corresponding development suggestions. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part is about the background and significance of the research on the cooperation between Bank and Credit; The second part is about the definition of Yinxin cooperation and an overview of relevant theories. The third part is the analysis of the current situation of the cooperation between Bank and Credit in China. Part 4th is the analysis of the problems of Yinxin cooperation; Part 5th is a summary of the experience of foreign bank and credit cooperation; The last part is to further promote the development of bank-letter cooperation put forward their own suggestions. This paper believes that in the "pan-capital management era" under the background. It is necessary to further promote the development of our country's bank-letter cooperation from five aspects: first, the two sides should set up the strategic thought of long-term cooperation; The second is to optimize the integration of existing trust companies, bigger and stronger; The third is to actively expand the deep level of business cooperation, including asset securitization business, debt-equity conversion, family trust, testamentary trust and other new business forms; Fourth, do a good job of flexible prudential supervision; The fifth is to strengthen the training of relevant professionals. There are two innovations in the article. First, the article has a strong timeliness, in the analysis of the current problems and the new situation. Fully consider the new regulatory measures introduced in recent years. The second is the proposal to introduce the bank trust cooperation model into the bank debt-to-equity business. The paper mainly uses the literature review method and comparative analysis method in the research method of using the trust company as the third party asset management company instead of the bank to exercise the equity.
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