本文选题:滨海新区 切入点:金融业发展 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:金融服务业作为经济增长的重要推动力,一直备受国内外学者的关注,随着全球金融体系的发展,尤其是近年来全世界范围金融危机的频发也引发了理论界新一轮的研究热潮。金融发展的核心是资源的有效配置,本质目的是促进经济发展,目前国内的研究主要以省为单位,但中国区域经济发展不平衡导致的金融资源配置的不均衡,使省级单位的研究成果对于特定区域范围金融服务业发展的指导借鉴意义不够显著。因此,本文立足滨海新区这一特定区域,深入分析其金融服务业发展现状,以求提出更具针对性的对策建议。 天津滨海新区作为国家级新区及金融改革创新试点,国家政策的支持提供了千载难逢的发展契机,因此对于天津滨海新区金融服务业现状的梳理和其与经济增长关系的研究十分必要,这将为天津滨海新区未来金融发展的路径选择提供强有力的依据。本文在系统梳理金融发展相关理论和深入分析滨海新区金融服务业发展现状的基础上,对滨海新区金融发展与经济增长关系进行了实证检验研究,并就其存在的问题有针对性地提出了可行性建议。本文共分为四部分。 第一部分,从金融结构论、金融深化论、金融功能论和金融内生论四个角度梳理了金融发展理论。综合前人的研究成果,本文将区域金融概念界定为:在某一特定经济环境中,为满足该特定区域的金融需求而不断积累形成的金融环境。同时论述了金融发展对经济增长的影响渠道,并从需求跟随和供给引导两个角度阐述了二者的相互作用机制。 第二部分,首先纵向分析了天津滨海新区的经济发展历程,并同浦东新区、深圳特区进行了横向比较,从总量与结构两个角度分析得出滨海新区经济总量大,增速快,但是产业结构不合理,经济增长过分依赖投资拉动的结论。其次,,分析滨海新区金融服务业发展现状得出其金融服务业基础薄弱,金融深化及经济货币化程度远远低于金融发达地区,甚至低于全国平均水平的结论。最后,建立金融服务业发展现状的评价体系,从综合经济实力、资金实力、金融机构规模、直接融资实力和企业财务状况五个角度判定其金融服务业发展水平,得出金融服务业内部发展滞后的结论。经全面系统的分析得出以下结论:一,经济总量大,增速快。二,产业结构还需完善,第二产业比重过高,第三产业发展不足,金融业贡献度较低。三,经济增长主要以投资拉动,经济运行成本较高。四,金融深化程度低,甚至低于全国平均水平。五,金融产服务业发展不足制约中小企业发展。六,外资和港澳台资及国有企业主导的实体经济的发展良好,是目前滨海新区拉动经济增长的主力。 第三部分,实证检验天津滨海新区金融发展与经济增长之间的关系,以实际人均GDP作为衡量经济发展水平的指标,金融相关比率和金融中介效率作为衡量金融发展水平的指标,通过单位根检验、回归分析,得出滨海新区金融相关比率与经济增长存在显著的相关性,金融中介效率与经济增长不存在明显的相关性的结论,说明滨海新区金融服务业“量”的发展对于经济增长促进作用更显著;通过格兰杰因果检验和向量自回归模型检验,得出滨海新区金融服务业促进了当地经济的发展,而经济的发展并没有同步带动金融服务业跟进的结论,说明滨海新区的经济增长缺乏对于金融资源的有效需求。 第四部分,滨海新区金融服务业发展存在问题分析及对策建议,根据影响金融发展的四个因素(经济环境、政府干预、法律环境和社会资本环境)综合分析了滨海新区金融服务业发展中存在的问题,并从金融发展水平、金融发展深度、金融体系规模和金融创新四个角度进行了阐述,最后从完善金融环境、完善资本市场、完善金融创新、完善中小企业融资渠道四个角度提出了发展建议。
[Abstract]:As an important driving force for economic growth , the financial service industry has been paid much attention by scholars at home and abroad . As the development of the global financial system , especially in recent years , the frequency of the financial crisis in the world has led to a new round of research upsurge . The core of financial development is to promote the economic development .
This paper makes an empirical study on the relationship between financial development and economic growth in the new area of Tianjin , and puts forward some feasible suggestions on the existing problems . This paper is divided into four parts .
The first part analyzes the theory of financial development from four angles of financial structure theory , financial deepening theory , financial function theory and financial endogenic theory .
In the second part , the economic development course of Tianjin coastal area is analyzed in the longitudinal direction , and compared with Pudong New Area and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone .
The third part , empirically examines the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Tianjin Binhai New Area , uses the actual per capita GDP as the index of measuring the level of economic development , the financial correlation ratio and financial intermediation efficiency as the index of measuring the financial development level , and through the unit root test and the regression analysis , it is concluded that the financial correlation ratio of the coastal new area and the economic growth have significant correlation , and the financial intermediation efficiency and the economic growth have no obvious correlation , and the development of the financial service industry in the coastal area is more remarkable for the economic growth promotion ;
The results show that the financial service industry in the new coastal area promotes the development of the local economy , and the development of the economy does not lead to the follow - up of the financial services industry . The economic growth of the coastal new area lacks the effective demand for financial resources .
The fourth part analyzes the problems existing in the development of the financial services industry in the coastal area according to the four factors ( economic environment , government intervention , legal environment and social capital environment ) which affect the development of the financial services , and puts forward the development suggestions from the four angles of financial development level , financial development depth , financial system scale and financial innovation . Finally , the development suggestions are put forward from the four angles of improving the financial environment , perfecting the capital market , improving the financial innovation and perfecting the financing channel of the small and medium - sized enterprises .
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