发布时间:2018-04-11 16:52
本文选题:中国银行 + 员工 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着世界经济全球化和一体化进程步伐的加快,,我国企业将面临着日趋激烈的市场竞争,企业激励机制运用的好坏是决定企业兴衰的关键因素。如何构建员工激励机制,吸引、留住、用好员工,提高员工素质,保持企业的可持续健康发展,是每个企业都应认真思考和探索的问题。 中国银行DL分行隶属于中国银行,是四大国有商业银行之一的金融企业。本文研究的是中国银行DL分行激励机制,首先对中国银行DL分行激励机制现状进行了分析,然后指出中国银行DL分行现行激励机制存在的主要问题。并在此基础上提出了完善中国银行DL分行激励机制的措施。全文分为六章。 第一章导言。首先介绍了本文的研究背景、研究目的及意义,其次把国内外对激励机制进行研究的相关理论进行了综述,最后概括了本文的研究的思路与方法。 第二章对激励的相关的理论进行了综述。首先阐述了员工激励机制的概念及作用,然后介绍了管理学的激励机制理论和经济学的激励机制理论。 第三章是介绍了中国银行DL分行现行激励机制。首先介绍了DL分行的基本情况,其次对中国银行DL分行现行激励现状进行阐述。 第四章中国银行DL分行激励机制实施效果评估。通过调查问卷的方式,对中国银行DL分行的激励机制进行满意度调查,分析现行激励机制存在的问题。 第五章中国银行DL分行员工激励方案。对调查分析出来的问题,提出了完善中国银行DL分行激励机制的目标、原则,以及完善激励机制的措施。 第六章结论包括论文研究的重点及不足之处。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the globalization and integration of the world economy, Chinese enterprises will be faced with increasingly fierce market competition. The use of incentive mechanism is the key factor to determine the rise and fall of enterprises.How to construct the staff incentive mechanism, attract, retain, make good use of staff, improve the quality of employees, and maintain the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises, is a problem that every enterprise should seriously consider and explore.The DL branch of Bank of China is one of the four state-owned commercial banks.This paper studies the incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China. Firstly, the paper analyzes the current situation of the incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China, and then points out the main problems existing in the current incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China.On the basis of this, the paper puts forward the measures to perfect the incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China.The full text is divided into six chapters.Chapter I introductionThe second chapter summarizes the theory of motivation.Firstly, the concept and function of employee incentive mechanism are introduced, then the incentive mechanism theory of management and the incentive mechanism theory of economics are introduced.The third chapter introduces the current incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China.Firstly, the paper introduces the basic situation of DL branch, and then expounds the current incentive situation of DL branch of Bank of China.The fourth chapter evaluates the effect of the incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China.Through the way of questionnaire, this paper investigates the satisfaction of the incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China, and analyzes the problems existing in the current incentive mechanism.Chapter V employee incentive scheme of DL branch of Bank of China.On the basis of the investigation and analysis, the paper puts forward the goal, principle and measures to perfect the incentive mechanism of DL branch of Bank of China.The sixth chapter concludes the key points and deficiencies of the thesis.
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