发布时间:2018-04-12 08:04
本文选题:小额贷款公司 + 运行效率 ; 参考:《浙江工商大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:小额信贷起源于20世纪70年代的孟加拉国,此后迅速推广到亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲等许多发展中国家,成为一种非常有效的扶贫方式。上世纪90年代,小额信贷传入我国,我国开始在充分借鉴国外小额信贷的成功经验的基础上就如何发展我国小额信贷来造福于农村及贫困人口进行了一系列尝试。2008年,我国开始正式在全国范围内推进小额贷款公司试点工作。 国外对小额信贷机构的研究开始得较早,并且也较深入地涉及到其运行效率问题。我国以小额信贷机构为主要研究对象的讨论,开始涉及到机构的类型、组织方式、市场客户的定位及小额信贷机构可持续发展等问题,并伴随了一定的定量分析,但与国外的小额信贷机构的运行效率研究相比,这些研究开始得较晚,并不够系统和深入。因此,在此基础上,继续对之进行总结与分析探讨,不仅具有重要的理论研究意义,更对政府有关部门完善相关政策和小额贷款公司提升运营效率具有重要的参考价值。 本文以浙江省小额贷款公司为对象,从浙江省的小额贷款公司的实际情况出发,详细分析了浙江省小额贷款公司的经营情况以及特点,并运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,测算出了浙江省小额公司的运行效率,定量地分析了浙江省小额贷款公司的经营状况。在此基础之上,用Tobit模型对影响浙江省小额贷款公司运行效率的因素做了实证分析,结果发现,浙江小额贷款公司的生产效率与小额贷款在总贷款余额的占比以及不良贷款率没有明显的相关关系,而利率、贷款余额占所有者权益和银行融资的比例与小额贷款公司的生产效率呈显著的正相关关系。最后,在定性与定量的分析基础之上,总结了浙江省小额贷款公司的优点和不足,并分别从小额贷款公司自身和政策制定者两个方面,针对性地提出了一些建议。 研究认为,要提升浙江小额贷款公司运营效率,在基层微观层面,一是需要开发多种适合小额贷款公司的小额信贷技术;二是要加强小额贷款公司的人才建设;三是小额贷款公司应立足本区域,做好精准的市场定位;四是小额贷款公司在信贷方而应多像银行学习,加强自身经营管理创新的能力。在政策制定者层面,一是国家需要尽快明确小额贷款公司作为金融企业性质的定位,从顶层设计上完善相关法律法规;二是放开对小额贷款公司银行融资比例的限制。 本论题研究的特色体现在:一是研究内容新颖,是小额贷款公司的经营模式及如何引导其商业可持续性发展的监管措施和政策扶持的角度展开;二是研究视角较独特,以公司运行效率视角切入,寻找出影响其效率的因素,采用的分析数据均是2012年全年的一手资料,有较强的时效性。研究不足在于,相关研究较少,缺乏深层次理论的提炼;数据的选取不够全面。仅选取了浙江省小额贷款公司2012年的数据进行了分析,缺乏纵向比较,可能会对小额贷款公司试点工作开始以来的进展有所忽略。 本研究及结论,对政府相关主管部门完善小贷政策,引导小额贷款公司高效运作,将提供有益的参考与借鉴。
[Abstract]:Microfinance originated in 1970s in Bangladesh, then quickly extended to Asia, Africa and Latin America and many other developing countries, has become a very effective way of helping the poor. In 90s, microfinance was introduced into our country, our country started in the full draw on the successful experience of foreign microfinance on how to develop microfinance in China for the benefit of the rural poor population and carried out a series of attempts to.2008 years, China began to promote the pilot work of microfinance companies in the country.
Research on microfinance institutions abroad started early, and also deeply involved in its operation efficiency. To discuss China's microfinance institutions as the main research object, begin to relate to the type of institution, organization, problem of the sustainable development of the market positioning of the client and micro credit machine, and with the analysis a quantitative research, but the efficiency of microfinance institutions and abroad compared to the research started later, and are not systematic and deep. Therefore, on this basis, continue to review the discussion and analysis, not only has important theoretical significance of the research, it has important reference value for related policies and small loan companies to enhance the operational efficiency of the relevant government departments to improve.
In this paper, small loan companies in Zhejiang Province as the research object, starting from the actual situation of Zhejiang Province, the small loan companies, the operating conditions and characteristics of small loan companies in Zhejiang province are analyzed in detail, and the use of data envelopment analysis (DEA) method, to calculate the operating efficiency of Zhejiang province microfinance company, quantitative analysis of small loan companies Zhejiang province's operating conditions. On this basis, an empirical analysis of factors influencing the operating efficiency of microfinance companies in Zhejiang province by using the Tobit model results show that the production efficiency of microfinance and microfinance company in Zhejiang in the proportion of total loans and non-performing loan ratio is not obvious correlation, and the interest rate, loan balance the proportion of equity financing and bank and microfinance company's production efficiency has a significant positive correlation. Finally, the qualitative and quantitative analysis on the basis of, This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of small loan companies in Zhejiang Province, and puts forward some suggestions from two aspects, namely, small loan companies themselves and policymakers.
Research thinks, to enhance the Zhejiang microfinance company operational efficiency, at the grassroots level, micro level, one is the need to develop for a variety of small loan companies, microfinance technology; two is to strengthen the construction of small loan companies; three small loan companies should be based on regional, make accurate market positioning; four is the petty loan company in credit should be more like banks to strengthen their own learning ability, the innovation of management. For the policy makers, a country needs to clear as soon as the microfinance company position as the financial nature of the enterprise, from the top-level design to improve the relevant laws and regulations; two is the opening of small loan companies, the ratio of bank financing is limited.
This study have the following features: one is the research content of the novel, is a small loan company's business model and how to guide the sustainable development of its business regulatory measures and policy support aspects; two is the research perspective is unique, from the perspective of the efficiency of the company cut, to find out the factors that affect the efficiency of the data are the 2012 annual information on the one hand, there is a strong timeliness. On the downside, less relevant research, lack of deep theoretical research; the selection of the data is not comprehensive enough. Only selected Zhejiang province microfinance company data in 2012 were analyzed, the lack of longitudinal comparison, may progress to since the pilot work small loan companies began to be neglected.
This study and conclusion will provide useful reference and reference for the relevant government departments to improve the small loan policy and to guide the efficient operation of the microfinance companies.
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