本文选题:创意农业 + 金融支持 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:创意农业是在世界经济步入创意经济时代,伴随消费需求升级发展起来的新型现代农业形态,是文化创意与现代农业相结合的产物。人类社会在经历了以生产要素为动力和以投资为动力的经济发展阶段后,正在走向以创意为动力的经济发展新阶段。创意已成为推动21世纪经济增长的重要驱动要素。因此,我国应大力发展创意农业,深度利用各种农业资源,提升农业产业价值,实现整体农业产业结构的优化和升级,转变农业发展方式。 本文回顾研究文献,借鉴创意农业、金融发展、农村金融相关理论,揭示创意农业内涵、基本特征及必要性,设置创意农业金融支持的影响因素、支持能力及绩效作用的理论模型,提出创意农业金融支持的研究假设框架。以福建省9地市的创意农业企业、金融和创意农业专家、政府官员三类人员为对象,进行走访调查,设计“创意农业发展的金融支持研究”预调查及正式调查问卷,收集并分析样本数据,应用结构方程模型方法开展实证研究,找出创意农业金融支持的重要影响因素及作用路径,并提出创意农业金融支持的对策思路。本文获得以下四个方面主要研究成果: 第一,从社会环境、金融机构、创意农业组织三个维度,提炼出创意农业金融支持绩效的十三个影响因素(impact factors),它们分别是基础设施、政策法规、社会中间组织、社会信任,决策、组织、领导、控制,资源、产业、营销、财务和文化,并提出创意农业金融支持能力指标(包括金融创新与风险控制能力、农业创意与品牌运营能力以及管理协同能力三个因素指标),形成本文的研究假设架构。 第二,本文运用结构方程模型方法,采用Lisrel8.70软件进行数据分析和模型检验。实证研究发现,,在创意农业金融支持绩效的十三个影响因素中,有七个因素(政策法规与社会信任,决策与控制,产业、营销与财务)对创意农业金融支持绩效有显著的正向影响,构成影响创意农业金融支持绩效的重要因素。 第三,结构方程模型方法实证研究发现,创意农业金融支持能力的三个因素:金融创新与风险控制能力、农业创意与品牌运营能力以及管理协同能力,对创意农业金融支持绩效都有显著的正向影响。 第四,结构方程模型方法实证研究还发现,创意农业金融支持能力分别对社会环境维度(政策法规与社会信任因素)、金融机构维度(决策与控制因素)、创意农业组织维度(产业、营销与财务因素)和支持绩效起中介作用。 本文研究成果丰富了创意农业金融支持理论,为创意农业发展及其金融支持实践提供有益借鉴,具有理论价值和现实意义。
[Abstract]:Creative agriculture is a new form of modern agriculture in the world economy, which is developed with the upgrading of consumer demand. It is the product of the combination of cultural creativity and modern agriculture. After experiencing the stage of economic development, which is driven by factors of production and by investment, human society is moving towards a new stage of economic development driven by creativity. Creativity has become an important driving factor for economic growth in the 21 st century. Therefore, our country should vigorously develop creative agriculture, make deep use of various agricultural resources, promote the value of agricultural industry, realize the optimization and upgrading of the overall agricultural industrial structure, and change the mode of agricultural development. This paper reviews the research literature, draws lessons from the theories of creative agriculture, financial development and rural finance, reveals the connotation, basic characteristics and necessity of creative agriculture, and sets up the influencing factors of financial support for creative agriculture. The theoretical model of supporting ability and performance function is proposed, and the research hypothetical framework of financial support for creative agriculture is put forward. Taking creative agricultural enterprises, finance and creative agriculture experts and government officials from nine cities in Fujian Province as objects, the authors conducted a survey to design a pre-survey and a formal questionnaire for "Financial support Research on the Development of Creative Agriculture". Collecting and analyzing the sample data, applying the structural equation model method to carry out the empirical research, find out the important influencing factors and the action path of the finance support of the creative agriculture, and put forward the countermeasure thought of the finance support of the creative agriculture. This paper obtains the following four main research results: First, from the three dimensions of social environment, financial institutions and creative agricultural organizations, 13 factors influencing the financial support performance of creative agriculture are extracted, which are infrastructure, policies and regulations, social intermediate organizations, and social trust. Decision-making, organization, leadership, control, resources, industry, marketing, finance and culture, and propose indicators of financial support capability for creative agriculture (including financial innovation and risk control), There are three indexes of agricultural creativity, brand operation ability and management synergetic ability, which form the hypothetical framework of this paper. Secondly, using structural equation model method, Lisrel8.70 software is used for data analysis and model checking. The empirical study found that there are seven factors (policies, regulations and social trust, decision-making and control, industry) among the thirteen factors that affect the financial support performance of creative agriculture. Marketing and finance) have a significant positive impact on the financial support performance of creative agriculture, and constitute an important factor affecting the financial support performance of creative agriculture. Thirdly, the empirical study of structural equation model method shows that there are three factors in the financial support ability of creative agriculture: financial innovation and risk control, agricultural creativity and brand operation ability, and management synergy. It has a significant positive impact on the financial support performance of creative agriculture. Fourth, the empirical study of structural equation model method also found that, Creative agriculture financial support ability to the social environment dimension (policies, regulations and social trust factors, financial institutions dimension (decision-making and control factors), creative agricultural organization dimension (industry), respectively. Marketing and financial factors) and supporting performance play an intermediary role. The research results of this paper enrich the financial support theory of creative agriculture and provide useful reference for the development of creative agriculture and its financial support practice. It has theoretical value and practical significance.
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