本文选题:农业 + 外商直接投资 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Under the background of continuously deepening the reform of rural economic system, the adjustment and optimization of agricultural industrial structure has become the key to solve the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" and to realize the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Since the entry of WTO in 2001, the level of opening to the outside world has been obviously improved, which has effectively improved the foreign investment environment, and made the foreign direct investment (FDI) with multinational corporations as the main body of our country grow rapidly and gradually flow into the agricultural field. But compared with the second and third industries, the scale of the actual use of FDI in agriculture in China is obviously backward. Under the operating mechanism of the market economy, the state vigorously absorbs the continuous expansion of the scale of FDI. On the one hand, it can effectively use foreign capital as a factor of production to expand production and make up for the lack of domestic capital investment, on the other hand, it can also introduce advanced foreign technology. Marketing strategy and management experience to promote the prosperity and development of China's foreign trade. Agriculture, as the foundation of national economy, is also the weak industry of our country at present. The technology and capital bottleneck of developing modern agriculture in our country is lagged behind in science and technology content and insufficient investment in agriculture. Theoretically, the introduction of FDI can effectively solve the above two problems of agricultural development. What's the actual impact? Does the agricultural FDI absorbed by our country affect the transformation of agricultural structure effectively? In this paper, the history and present situation of foreign direct investment in agriculture in China are studied through the literature review on the utilization of foreign direct investment at home and abroad. Then through the qualitative analysis from the two aspects of supply and demand, this paper proves the influence of foreign direct investment in agricultural utilization on the transformation of agricultural industrial structure, and finds that there is a certain correlation between the two aspects. The results show that, from the point of view of supply, agricultural FDI is closely related to the transformation of the industrial structure of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries and the optimization of the internal structure of the planting industry in China. Promoting the adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure of our country, which is dominated by a single planting industry, to the development of animal husbandry and forestry diversification, This paper optimizes the structural transformation from the dominant position of grain crops to the proportion of grain crops and high value-added cash crops within the planting industry, and from the point of view of demand, agricultural FDI can promote the growth of the export trade of agricultural products in China. It can promote the export of agricultural products processing industry, optimize the internal structure of processing industry, and then improve the structure of agricultural products export trade of our country, but there is obvious lag effect.
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