本文选题:农村信用社 + 农户 ; 参考:《南京农业大学》2010年博士论文
【摘要】:由于中国农业银行从农村金融市场的退出,农村信用社已近逐渐发展成为了我国农村金融机构的龙头老大,其经营发展的好坏在一定程度上对农村广大地区的经济发展起着举足轻重的作用。据相关资料显示,2008年江苏省的人均GDP达到了39622元,经济的快速发展决定了金融环境的进一步优化。农村信用社作为现有农村的唯一政府主导机构在支持农村经济发展方面起着重要的作用。 江苏省区域经济差异相对较大,苏南地区乡镇企业发展迅速,城乡一体化基本形成,苏北地区仍然是属于以传统农业为主的欠发达地区,因此也就决定了其金融环境存在差异,金融发展方向趋于不同。新一轮的农信社改革后,苏南的大部分信用社逐渐改制为农村商业银行,已完全实现了向股份制转变的过程;苏北地区由于仍然以传统农业为主,其农业地位的重视程度要远远高于苏南地区,对信用社的依赖程度也明显可见。本文以苏北地区为例,通过SDI值测定农信社改革前后自身经营绩效的变化情况,在分析农村信用社自身经营发展的基础上,本文进一步基于苏北地区对于支农业务的开展作出分析,以农户和农村合作经济组织为例讨论农信社对农村经济主体的信贷供给情况,分析信用社的支农行为;同时通过信贷资金与农户收入、农民专业合作组织经营绩效之间的关系考察苏北地区农村信用社的支农绩效,最终为苏北地区农村信用社改革的服务“三农”目标提供理论依据和实践经验。其具体内容主要有以下几个方面: 第一章、引言部分。通过对选题背景的介绍以及问题的提出探讨本文的写作方向,分步介绍本文的研究目标和分析框架。 第二章、分析框架。本章主要厘清本文的整体思路,通过农户和农民专业合作组织两大主体,分析苏北地区农村信用社对农户、农民专业合作组织的信贷供给,考察农信社信贷资金对农户收入、组织绩效影响的内在逻辑。 第三章、样本地区农村信用社的情况概述。本章以苏北地区为例,通过SDI(补贴依赖指数)的研究方法考察两家样本地区信用联社在2002年到2008年期间经营发展能力的变化情况。 第四章、农村信用社信贷支农的视角之一:农户层面。通过考察苏北地区农村信用社对农户信贷供给的决策行为来分析信用社对农户的支农力度。以苏北地区农户的有效需求来分析农信社对农户贷款的决策行为,找出影响农信社对农户信贷供给行为的各具体因素,分析其内在的原因;分析农村信用社信贷资金对农户收入的影响。 第五章、农村信用社信贷支农视角之二:农民专组织层面。本章主要考察苏北地区信用社对农民专业合作经济组织的信贷行为与信贷规模,通过对农村信用社改革前后对农民专业合作组织的扶持强度及其支农延续性的变化程度,分析农信社信贷资金在支持农民组织时存在的问题,以及又有哪些因素影响着农信社的贷款行为;分析农村信用社信贷资金对农民专业合作经济组织经营绩效的影响,探讨农信社的支农效力。 第六章、农信社信贷资金对农户收入的影响分析,本章从宏观的角度上考察了农信社支农绩效的延续性,通过时间序列模型分析了农信社信贷资金对农民收入的提高是否得到体现,同时分析不同时期支农绩效的变化情况。 第七章、研究结论和政策建议。 通过对苏北地区农村信用社信贷支农进行实证分析,本文得出如下结论: (1)从考察样本地区信用社的SDI值来看,其总体上是趋于逐步缩小的趋势,信用社的经营发展能力逐年增强。信用社资产规模逐年扩大,农业贷款逐年增加,农信社的各项财务指标均呈现好转程度。总体上来说信用社经营绩效得到明显改善。 (2)通过联立方程模型对农村信用社的贷款决策行为进行了实证分析,结果显示显著的变量有户主的年龄、户主是否是村干部以及该家庭的固定资产规模与家庭劳动力人数。户主年龄与农户获得贷款的关系呈负相关关系,户主是否村干部与农户是否获得贷款呈正相关关系。固定资产规模较大的农户能够有一定的资产作抵押,能够易于获得信用社贷款。同时对于家庭劳动力人数与农信社贷款决策行为成正相关关系。该结论还显示信用社改革变量在模型中并不显著,农村信用社改制与否并不能显著影响金融机构的贷款决策行为。 (3)本文通过苏北地区的样本考察了农村信用社对农民专业合作组织的贷款行为,利用Heckman两步决策模型对农村信用社贷款行为和贷款规模作了实证分析。结果显示组织主要领导者受教育程度与农信社的贷款行为呈正相关关系;组织的年均收入与农信社的贷款行为呈正相关性;固定资产越多,其该组织的抗风险能力就越强,农信社越愿意倾向给农民专业合作社贷款。在对信用社给农民专业合作组织发放贷款规模的模型上,固定资产规模与所在地区的年均收入都与组织的信贷规模成正相关关系,农民专业组织与当地信用社之间的距离对信用社的信贷规模呈反比。 (4)农信社信贷资金与农户收入呈正相关关系,在农户的自有资金有限时,为了扩大生产,农户必须加强资金的投入。农村信用社作为唯一的农村正规金融机构,是农户信贷资金的主要来源,其农户贷款的发放在一定程度上有利于农户收入的增加;农村信用社的信贷资金有利于农民专业合作经济组织经营绩效的提高,有利于壮大农民合作组织的规模,促进农民合作组织的发展。 (5)通过时间序列模型验证1990-2008年苏北地区农村信用社信贷资金对农户收入的影响,基于以上的研究维度评价农村信用社信贷资金的支农绩效,研究结论显示农信社发放的农户贷款在短期内和农户收入呈现正相关关系;在长期没有与农户收入形成良性的互动关系,苏北地区农村信用社发放的农户贷款总体绩效较低,农户贷款促进农户收入提高的功能没有得到有效发挥。总体而言,苏北地区农信社的支农绩效虽然在短期内对农户收入有一定的促进作用,但是长期来说,对农户收入的增长并没有显示持续的推动作用,其信用社贷款的总体支农绩效是低下的。
[Abstract]:Because of the withdrawal of the Agricultural Bank of China from the rural financial market, the rural credit cooperatives have gradually developed into the leading leader of the rural financial institutions in China. Their management and development play an important role in the economic development of the rural areas to a certain extent. According to the related data, the per capita GDP of Jiangsu Province in 2008 has reached the highest level. 39622 yuan, the rapid development of the economy determines the further optimization of the financial environment. The rural credit cooperatives, the only government leading institution in the existing rural areas, play an important role in supporting the development of the rural economy.
The regional economic differences in Jiangsu are relatively large, the development of township enterprises in South of Jiangsu is rapid, and the integration of urban and rural areas is basically formed. The region is still under the underdeveloped areas dominated by traditional agriculture. Therefore, the financial environment is different and the direction of financial development is different. After the reform of the new round of agricultural credit cooperatives, the large part of South of Jiangsu The sub credit cooperatives are gradually converted into rural commercial banks, which have fully realized the process of transferring to the shareholding system. Due to the still traditional agriculture, the importance of its agricultural status is far higher than that of the South of Jiangsu area, and the degree of dependence on the credit cooperatives is obviously visible. Based on the analysis of the development of the management and development of rural credit cooperatives, this paper makes a further analysis on the development of rural credit cooperatives, and takes farmers and rural cooperative economic organizations as an example to discuss the credit supply situation of the rural credit cooperatives to the rural economic entities, and analyzes the branch bank of the credit cooperatives. At the same time, through the relationship between the credit funds and farmers' income and the management performance of the farmers' professional cooperative organizations, the performance of rural credit cooperatives in Northern Jiangsu Province is investigated, and the theoretical basis and practical experience are provided for the "three rural" objectives of the rural credit cooperatives reform in Northern Jiangsu Province.
The first chapter, the introduction part. Through the introduction of the background of the topic and the question, we discuss the direction of this paper, and introduce the research objectives and analysis framework of this paper.
The second chapter, the analysis framework. This chapter mainly clarifies the whole idea of this article. Through the two main bodies of farmers' and farmers' professional cooperative organizations, this chapter analyzes the credit supply of rural credit cooperatives to farmers and farmers' professional cooperative organizations in Northern Jiangsu Province, and examines the internal logic of the impact of credit funds of rural credit cooperatives on Farmers' income and organizational performance.
The third chapter is a summary of the situation of rural credit cooperatives in the sample area. This chapter takes the northern Jiangsu Province as an example to examine the changes in the management and development ability of the two sample area credit cooperatives during the period from 2002 to 2008 through the research method of the SDI (subsidy dependence index).
The fourth chapter, one of the perspectives of rural credit cooperatives' credit support agriculture: Farmers' level. Through the investigation of the decision-making behavior of rural credit cooperatives to farmers' credit supply in Northern Jiangsu Province, this paper analyzes the support for farmers' support to farmers by credit cooperatives. The specific factors of household credit supply behavior are analyzed, and its internal causes are analyzed. The impact of credit funds of rural credit cooperatives on Farmers' income is analyzed.
The fifth chapter, the two of the rural credit cooperatives' credit support agriculture perspective: the farmer's special organization level. This chapter mainly examines the credit behavior and credit scale of the Subei credit cooperatives to the farmers' professional cooperative economic organizations. Through the analysis of the supporting strength and the continuity of the farmers' Professional Cooperative organizations before and after the reform of the rural credit cooperatives, this chapter analyses the degree of the change of the continuity of the rural credit cooperatives. The problems existing in the credit fund of rural credit cooperatives in supporting the farmers' organization, and what factors affect the loan behavior of the rural credit cooperatives, and the impact of the credit funds on the management performance of the farmers' professional cooperative economic organizations, and the effectiveness of the agricultural credit cooperatives to support the agriculture.
The sixth chapter, the analysis of the impact of credit funds of rural credit cooperatives on the income of farmers, this chapter examines the continuity of the performance of agricultural credit cooperatives from the macro perspective. Through the time series model, it analyses whether the credit funds of the agricultural credit cooperatives to farmers' income are improved, and the changes in the performance of the farmers in different periods are analyzed.
The seventh chapter, research conclusions and policy recommendations.
Through the empirical analysis of credit support agriculture in rural credit cooperatives in Northern Jiangsu, the following conclusions are drawn:
(1) from the view of the SDI value of the credit cooperatives in the sample area, the trend of the credit cooperatives is gradually shrinking, the credit cooperatives' ability to operate and development is increasing year by year. The scale of the credit cooperatives is expanding year by year, the agricultural loans are increasing year by year, and the financial indexes of the rural credit cooperatives are all improved. In general, the operation performance of the credit cooperatives has been obviously changed. Good.
(2) an empirical analysis of the loan decision-making behavior of the rural credit cooperatives is carried out by the simultaneous equation model. The results show that the significant variables have the age of the owner of the household, whether the household owner is the village cadre and the family's fixed assets and the number of family labor. The relationship between the age of the household and the loan of the peasant households is negatively related, and whether the owner of the household is the village or not. There is a positive correlation between the Department and the farmers' access to the loan. The large fixed asset farmers can have a certain asset mortgage, which can easily obtain credit cooperatives. At the same time, the number of household labor force and the decision behavior of the credit cooperatives are positively related. The reform of village credit cooperatives can not significantly affect the decision-making behavior of financial institutions.
(3) this article examined the loan behavior of the rural credit cooperatives to the farmers' professional cooperative organizations through the samples of the northern Jiangsu Province, and made an empirical analysis of the loan behavior and the loan scale of the rural credit cooperatives by using the Heckman two step decision model. The results showed that the education degree of the main leaders of the organization was positively related to the loan behavior of the rural credit cooperatives; The annual average income of the fabric is positively related to the loan behavior of the rural credit cooperatives; the more the fixed assets, the stronger the risk resistance of the organization, the more willing the rural credit cooperatives to lend to the farmers' professional cooperatives. On the model of the loan scale of the credit cooperatives to the professional cooperative organizations of the farmers, the scale of fixed assets and the annual income of the region is the same. The distance between farmers' professional organizations and local credit cooperatives is inversely proportional to the credit scale of credit cooperatives.
(4) the credit fund of the rural credit cooperatives has a positive correlation with the income of farmers. In order to expand the production, the farmers must strengthen the investment in order to expand the production. As the only rural regular financial institution, the rural credit cooperatives are the main source of the farmers' credit funds, and the loan of farmers is in a certain extent beneficial to the farmers' income. The credit funds of the rural credit cooperatives are beneficial to the improvement of the performance of the farmers' professional cooperative economic organizations, the scale of the farmers' cooperative organizations and the development of the farmers' cooperative organizations.
(5) through the time series model to verify the effect of the credit cooperatives' credit funds on the income of rural households in 1990-2008 years, and to evaluate the performance of the rural credit cooperatives, based on the above research dimension, the conclusion shows that the farmers' loans issued by the rural credit cooperatives have a positive correlation with the farmers' income in the short term; in the long run, there is no one. The overall performance of rural credit cooperatives issued by rural credit cooperatives in Northern Jiangsu is low, and the function of farmers' loans to promote the increase of farmers' income has not been effectively exerted. For example, the growth of farmers' income does not show a continuous driving role, and the overall performance of their credit cooperatives loans is low.
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