[Abstract]:Financial leasing (also called financial leasing) is a new type of financial industry that integrates finance and finance, trade and technology. It is a contract agreed upon by the lessor at the request of the lessee, in accordance with the prior agreement between the two parties, On the premise that the lessor has the ownership of the asset and the right to gain, a credit activity in which the right to use the asset for a period of time is transferred to the lessee on the condition that the lessee pays the rent. The International Accounting Standards Board (I-ASB) defines it as "a lease in which the lessor essentially transfers all risks and rewards belonging to the ownership of the asset to the lessee". Financial leasing is based on real assets trading and use of investment and financing services, in the economic development period can play a financing function, in the economic depression can play a role in promoting. At present, foreign financial leasing companies have diversified development trend. According to their capital composition, they can be divided into four categories: first, financial capital type. Abroad
【作者单位】: 中国建设银行福建省南平市分行;
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