[Abstract]:Based on the situation of internationalization of state-owned commercial banks in China, this paper uses comparative method to sort out the status quo and characteristics of international location, points out the weakness and problems of location, and reveals the home country that influences the choice of location. The host country (region), the bank itself and the spatial geography, using Porter's five-force model to sum up the competitive advantages of different locations and discuss the significance of location selection, put forward that China's state-owned commercial banks should coordinate the objectives of transnational management and development. Improve the inspection mechanism of dynamic supervision and realize the rationalization of location conception. In the future, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific region should be the main force in the future geographical expansion of international location, and the international alliance and free trade area should be taken as the deep target, and the radiation should be established to emerging markets and international financial centers, and gradually developed to Africa. In the future, the international location entry mode should continue to promote cross-border M & A, carry out new investment carefully and increase the new characteristic mode, so as to continue to implement the internationalization strategy and the "going out" road of China's banking industry. In order to build China's state-owned commercial banks into comprehensive functions and competitive strength of the omnipotent banks.
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