发布时间:2018-09-12 12:17
【摘要】:中小企业的发展是一个国家和民族社会经济中最为活跃、最富朝气的力量,已经越来越成为县域经济发展的脊梁。发展中小企业业务、改进中小企业金融服务,既是中国银行全面贯彻中央精神、支持县域经济转型发展、履行企业社会责任的必然要求,也是加快自身结构调整,促进业务持续稳健发展的重要战略举措。今年以来,中国银行总行更着重、着力强调中小企业授信业务的重要性,专项核定新增投放额度、专项配置业务推动费用,保障中小企业的提款需求能得到最大化的满足。以积极贯彻落实分行“毫不动摇加大对中小微企业拓展力度”工作要求,以“中小企业精品网点建设”践行网点转型发展目标,以“中小企业伙伴计划”带动网点共同发展,以“优化总量年审流程”促进资源的再分配与再利用,在全国营造做大做优中小企业的业务拓展氛围,以燎原之势在全辖掀起叙作中小企业授信业务的高潮。 为更好地服务当地中小客户,进一步提升中国银行对中小企业客户服务水平,中国银行多策并举,积极响应当地政府及银监部门号召,扎实推进中小企业金融服务,切实缓解中小企业“融资难、融资贵”问题,从源头着手、从规模着眼、从创新着力,全面帮助中小企业做大做强,努力成为中小企业发展的最佳伙伴。2008年以来,中国银行借鉴新加坡淡马锡模式,推行信贷业务“工厂化”运作,以期实现对中小企业融资业务的规模化、精细化、流程化操作,提高金融服务效率和质量。所谓“信贷工厂”(Credit Factory),意指银行像工厂制造标准化产品一样对信贷业务进行批量处理。具体而言,就是银行按照“流水线”作业方式对中小企业贷款的设计、申报、审批、发放、风险控制等进行批量操作,将业务管理流程划分为寻找客户来源渠道并确定目标客户,客户上门调查并收集资料,信贷提案,贷款审批,发放审核,贷后管理,年审等环节,按照业务流程设置岗位,各管一段,各施其职,流水化、工厂式作业,起到了较好的促进效果。 中国银行双流分行地处成都平原腹地,位于四川打造天府新区的核心区域—双流县,存贷款双双突破百亿大关,是成都地区唯一一家分行级的四川省直属行。双流县幅员面积1032平方公里,目前辖18个镇、6个街道,94.2万人口。县域经济综合实力连续17年位居全省首位,经济基本竞争力全国百强排第18位。2012年,全县新登记私营企业1162户,私营企业在册总数达9390户;新登记个体工商户5953户,个体工商户在册总数达41240户,双流县民营经济总量达436.6亿元,位居成都市第二;经济完成增加值326.35亿元,排名全市第一,双流县也是全市仅有的2个民营经济总量突出400亿元大关的区县之一。近年来,双流县抢抓国家实施国家二次振兴计划的新一轮西部大开发计划、四川省强力打造全省经济增长的第二极,打造天府新区再造一个产业成都等重大机遇,认真贯彻落实四川省成都市委的发展规划,初步构建了以高新技术产业为先导、现代制造业为支撑、临空经济为特色、现代农业为本底的现代产业体系,并继续奋力打造西部经济核心增长极示范县。2013年是双流县实施“十二五”规划的关键一年,中国银行双流分行将在四川省分行领导的正确领导下,继续以支持双流县经济转型发展为己任,充分发挥中行多元化服务功能,不断加大对小微企业的帮扶力度,多渠道、全方位支持优质小微企业的资金需求。通过前期了解,双流县基本具备业务发展要素,故针对中国银行四川省分行在双流分行设立中小企业贷款“二级信贷工厂”而进行相关内容的调研。 中国银行总行对“信贷工厂”进行差别化管理,原则上仅在一级分行设置一级“信贷工厂”。在经济较为发达、社会诚信度较高、资源配置符合要求的直属分行、二级分行可设“二级信贷工厂”,根据中国银行总行和省行的战略安排,按照总行中小企业业务新模式的总体思路和原则,将结合双流当地中小企业授信业务特点及授信管理要求,按要求做好了各项业务标准作业程序等制度建设的准备工作。并制定行而有效的风险防范措施,加强对中小企业风险控制是中小企业持续发展的关键,风险管理不能消除风险,目地也不是消除风险,而是在主动的风险管理过程以达到风险和收益的均衡。发展中小企业业务的过程中,应传导“实质重于形式”的中小企业授信文化,以客户为中心,执行差异化利率定价,优化客户结构,夯实客户基础,扩大新模式复制范围,建立小企业营销渠道,全面敞开小企业服务窗口,拓宽中小企业融资渠道,利用我行国际结算等优势产品,提升服务层次,满足优秀中小企业的金融服务需求。根据调研,我们得出以双流分行现在的中小企业业务发展现状及风险管理控制水平,应该单独设置“信贷工厂”新模式的结论。 本文第1章介绍了研究的背景、目的及意义,国内外学者对该课题的研究情况,介绍中国银行对于区域中小企业业务的探索,引出中银“信贷工厂概念;第2章主要介绍了双流经济发展概况及水平,得出该区域开展中小企业业务的适宜程度;第3章通过对双流中小企业市场发展机遇和载体状况进行分析,回顾了近年来的发展情况,展望未来的发展趋势;第4章介绍双流中小企业发展现状和双流县加快中小企业发展采取的主要措施,对在该区域开展中小企业业务适合与否进行客观评估,第5章则通过对发展中存在的问题,思考推进的方案;第6章则是在以上的基础上,分析中行在该区域发展中小企业业务的优劣势分析,提出举措和方案;第7章全方位论证中行在双流设立“二级信贷工厂”的可行性,必要性和防范风险并提高信贷资产质量方式;第8章进行全文总结,指出创新点和不足。 本文的创新点在于站在银行的角度,且是笔者亲自参与的项目调研评估,通过对双流区域中小企业信贷市场调研项目的案例设计,对中国银行支持双流地区中小企业的市场做调研,将实际工作与理论相结合,对其他金融机构如何分析特定区域的市场情况,起了一定的参考作用。 本文的不足在于由于工作的原因使得案例叙述较多,评估方法的创新上有所欠缺,未来还需要将评估的指标体系进一步优化和创新。
[Abstract]:The development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is the most active and vigorous force in the social economy of a country and a nation, and has become the backbone of the development of county economy. Since this year, the head office of the Bank of China has put more emphasis on the importance of the credit business of small and medium-sized enterprises, approved new investment quotas, allocated expenditure to promote the development of business, and ensured that the demand for SMEs'withdrawals can be maximized. To actively implement the branch's "unswervingly increase the expansion of small and medium-sized micro-enterprises" requirements, to "small and medium-sized enterprise network construction" to practice the development goal of network transformation, to "small and medium-sized enterprise partnership plan" to drive the joint development of the network, to "optimize the total annual review process" to promote the redistribution and redistribution of resources Use it to create a bigger and better business development atmosphere for small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country, and set off a climax of narrating the credit business of small and medium-sized enterprises under the jurisdiction of the prairie power.
In order to better serve the local small and medium-sized customers and further enhance the service level of the Bank of China to small and medium-sized enterprises, the Bank of China has taken various measures to respond positively to the call of the local government and the banking regulatory departments, to promote financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and to effectively alleviate the problem of "difficult financing and expensive financing" for small and medium-sized enterprises. Since 2008, the Bank of China has borrowed from Singapore's Temasek model to implement the "factory" operation of credit business in order to realize the scale, refinement and process operation of financing business for SMEs, improve the efficiency and efficiency of financial services. Quality. The so-called "Credit Factory" means that banks, like factories, manufacture standardized products, handle credit business in batches. It is divided into the following links: searching for the source of customers and determining the target customers, customer visiting and collecting information, credit proposals, loan approval, issuing audit, post-loan management, annual review, etc. Jobs are set up according to the business process, each section is managed, each section performs its duties, streamlined, factory-type operation, which has played a better role in promoting.
Shuangliu Branch of Bank of China is located in the hinterland of Chengdu Plain. It is located in Shuangliu County, the core area of the new Tianfu District in Sichuan Province. The deposit and loan of Shuangliu County have exceeded 10 billion yuan. It is the only direct branch of Sichuan Province in Chengdu area. Shuangliu County covers an area of 1,032 square kilometers. It has 18 towns, 6 streets and 942,000 people. In 2012, 1162 newly registered private enterprises and 9390 private enterprises were registered in the county, 5953 newly registered individual industrial and commercial households, 41240 registered individual industrial and commercial households, and 43.66 billion yuan in Shuangliu County's private economy, ranking second in Chengdu. Shuangliu County is one of the only two districts and counties in the city with a total private economy of 40 billion yuan. In recent years, Shuangliu County has grabbed a new round of western development plan for the implementation of the national second revitalization plan, and Sichuan Province has made a strong effort to create the second pole of economic growth in the whole province, creating the sky. Fuxin District has reorganized an industrial Chengdu and other major opportunities, earnestly implemented the development plan of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of Sichuan Province, initially constructed a modern industrial system featuring high-tech industry as the forerunner, modern manufacturing industry as the support, air-front economy and modern agriculture as the background, and continued to strive to build a demonstration county of the core growth pole of the western economy. The year 2013 is the key year for Shuangliu County to implement the 12th Five-Year Plan. Under the correct leadership of the Sichuan Branch, the Shuangliu Branch of the Bank of China will continue to support Shuangliu County's economic transformation and development, give full play to the diversified service functions of the Bank of China, continuously increase its support to small and micro enterprises, and support quality enterprises through various channels and in an all-round way. Through the preliminary understanding, Shuangliu County basically has business development elements, so the Bank of China Sichuan Branch in Shuangliu Branch to set up SME loans in the "secondary credit factory" for related research.
The head office of the Bank of China carries out differential management of the "credit factories", and in principle, only the first-level "credit factories" are set up in the first-level branches. According to the general ideas and principles of the new business model of SMEs in the head office, the preparatory work for the establishment of various business standards and operating procedures will be done according to the requirements of the credit business characteristics and credit management requirements of Shuangliu local SMEs, and effective risk prevention measures will be formulated to strengthen the risk control of SMEs. The key to the sustainable development of enterprises is that the risk management can not eliminate the risk, and the aim is not to eliminate the risk, but to achieve the balance of risk and income in the process of active risk management. Price, optimization of customer structure, consolidation of customer base, expansion of the scope of new model replication, establishment of small business marketing channels, comprehensive opening of small business service window, broadening the financing channels of small and medium enterprises, making use of our bank's international settlement and other advantages of products, enhance the level of service to meet the financial services needs of outstanding small and medium-sized enterprises. The conclusion that the new mode of "credit factory" should be set up separately is that the current business development situation and the level of risk management and control of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the branch.
Chapter 1 of this paper introduces the background, purpose and significance of the study, the research situation of domestic and foreign scholars on this subject, introduces the exploration of the Bank of China on the business of small and medium-sized enterprises in the region, leads to the concept of "credit factory" of Bank of China; Chapter 2 mainly introduces the general situation and level of the development of double-stream economy, and obtains the suitability of the region to carry out business of small and medium- Chapter 3 reviews the development situation in recent years and looks forward to the future development trend by analyzing the market development opportunities and carriers of Shuangliu SMEs; Chapter 4 introduces the development status of Shuangliu SMEs and the main measures taken by Shuangliu County to speed up the development of SMEs in this region. Chapter 5 makes an objective assessment of the existing problems in the development and considers the plans to promote them; Chapter 6 analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of SMEs in the region, and puts forward measures and plans; Chapter 7 fully demonstrates the feasibility and necessity of the establishment of a "secondary credit factory" by the Bank of China in Shuangliu. Chapter 8 summarizes the full text and points out the innovation and shortcomings.
The innovative point of this paper is standing on the bank's point of view, and the author personally participates in the project research and evaluation. Through the case design of the SME credit market research project in Shuangliu District, this paper makes a research on the market of SMEs in Shuangliu District supported by the Bank of China, combines the actual work with the theory, and analyzes other financial institutions. The market situation of the fixed area has played a certain reference role.
The shortcomings of this paper are that there are more case descriptions due to the reasons of work, and the innovation of evaluation methods is deficient. In the future, the evaluation index system needs to be further optimized and innovated.
[Abstract]:The development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is the most active and vigorous force in the social economy of a country and a nation, and has become the backbone of the development of county economy. Since this year, the head office of the Bank of China has put more emphasis on the importance of the credit business of small and medium-sized enterprises, approved new investment quotas, allocated expenditure to promote the development of business, and ensured that the demand for SMEs'withdrawals can be maximized. To actively implement the branch's "unswervingly increase the expansion of small and medium-sized micro-enterprises" requirements, to "small and medium-sized enterprise network construction" to practice the development goal of network transformation, to "small and medium-sized enterprise partnership plan" to drive the joint development of the network, to "optimize the total annual review process" to promote the redistribution and redistribution of resources Use it to create a bigger and better business development atmosphere for small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country, and set off a climax of narrating the credit business of small and medium-sized enterprises under the jurisdiction of the prairie power.
In order to better serve the local small and medium-sized customers and further enhance the service level of the Bank of China to small and medium-sized enterprises, the Bank of China has taken various measures to respond positively to the call of the local government and the banking regulatory departments, to promote financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and to effectively alleviate the problem of "difficult financing and expensive financing" for small and medium-sized enterprises. Since 2008, the Bank of China has borrowed from Singapore's Temasek model to implement the "factory" operation of credit business in order to realize the scale, refinement and process operation of financing business for SMEs, improve the efficiency and efficiency of financial services. Quality. The so-called "Credit Factory" means that banks, like factories, manufacture standardized products, handle credit business in batches. It is divided into the following links: searching for the source of customers and determining the target customers, customer visiting and collecting information, credit proposals, loan approval, issuing audit, post-loan management, annual review, etc. Jobs are set up according to the business process, each section is managed, each section performs its duties, streamlined, factory-type operation, which has played a better role in promoting.
Shuangliu Branch of Bank of China is located in the hinterland of Chengdu Plain. It is located in Shuangliu County, the core area of the new Tianfu District in Sichuan Province. The deposit and loan of Shuangliu County have exceeded 10 billion yuan. It is the only direct branch of Sichuan Province in Chengdu area. Shuangliu County covers an area of 1,032 square kilometers. It has 18 towns, 6 streets and 942,000 people. In 2012, 1162 newly registered private enterprises and 9390 private enterprises were registered in the county, 5953 newly registered individual industrial and commercial households, 41240 registered individual industrial and commercial households, and 43.66 billion yuan in Shuangliu County's private economy, ranking second in Chengdu. Shuangliu County is one of the only two districts and counties in the city with a total private economy of 40 billion yuan. In recent years, Shuangliu County has grabbed a new round of western development plan for the implementation of the national second revitalization plan, and Sichuan Province has made a strong effort to create the second pole of economic growth in the whole province, creating the sky. Fuxin District has reorganized an industrial Chengdu and other major opportunities, earnestly implemented the development plan of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of Sichuan Province, initially constructed a modern industrial system featuring high-tech industry as the forerunner, modern manufacturing industry as the support, air-front economy and modern agriculture as the background, and continued to strive to build a demonstration county of the core growth pole of the western economy. The year 2013 is the key year for Shuangliu County to implement the 12th Five-Year Plan. Under the correct leadership of the Sichuan Branch, the Shuangliu Branch of the Bank of China will continue to support Shuangliu County's economic transformation and development, give full play to the diversified service functions of the Bank of China, continuously increase its support to small and micro enterprises, and support quality enterprises through various channels and in an all-round way. Through the preliminary understanding, Shuangliu County basically has business development elements, so the Bank of China Sichuan Branch in Shuangliu Branch to set up SME loans in the "secondary credit factory" for related research.
The head office of the Bank of China carries out differential management of the "credit factories", and in principle, only the first-level "credit factories" are set up in the first-level branches. According to the general ideas and principles of the new business model of SMEs in the head office, the preparatory work for the establishment of various business standards and operating procedures will be done according to the requirements of the credit business characteristics and credit management requirements of Shuangliu local SMEs, and effective risk prevention measures will be formulated to strengthen the risk control of SMEs. The key to the sustainable development of enterprises is that the risk management can not eliminate the risk, and the aim is not to eliminate the risk, but to achieve the balance of risk and income in the process of active risk management. Price, optimization of customer structure, consolidation of customer base, expansion of the scope of new model replication, establishment of small business marketing channels, comprehensive opening of small business service window, broadening the financing channels of small and medium enterprises, making use of our bank's international settlement and other advantages of products, enhance the level of service to meet the financial services needs of outstanding small and medium-sized enterprises. The conclusion that the new mode of "credit factory" should be set up separately is that the current business development situation and the level of risk management and control of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the branch.
Chapter 1 of this paper introduces the background, purpose and significance of the study, the research situation of domestic and foreign scholars on this subject, introduces the exploration of the Bank of China on the business of small and medium-sized enterprises in the region, leads to the concept of "credit factory" of Bank of China; Chapter 2 mainly introduces the general situation and level of the development of double-stream economy, and obtains the suitability of the region to carry out business of small and medium- Chapter 3 reviews the development situation in recent years and looks forward to the future development trend by analyzing the market development opportunities and carriers of Shuangliu SMEs; Chapter 4 introduces the development status of Shuangliu SMEs and the main measures taken by Shuangliu County to speed up the development of SMEs in this region. Chapter 5 makes an objective assessment of the existing problems in the development and considers the plans to promote them; Chapter 6 analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of SMEs in the region, and puts forward measures and plans; Chapter 7 fully demonstrates the feasibility and necessity of the establishment of a "secondary credit factory" by the Bank of China in Shuangliu. Chapter 8 summarizes the full text and points out the innovation and shortcomings.
The innovative point of this paper is standing on the bank's point of view, and the author personally participates in the project research and evaluation. Through the case design of the SME credit market research project in Shuangliu District, this paper makes a research on the market of SMEs in Shuangliu District supported by the Bank of China, combines the actual work with the theory, and analyzes other financial institutions. The market situation of the fixed area has played a certain reference role.
The shortcomings of this paper are that there are more case descriptions due to the reasons of work, and the innovation of evaluation methods is deficient. In the future, the evaluation index system needs to be further optimized and innovated.
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