[Abstract]:With the economic and financial liberalization and the accelerated pace of globalization, the position of the securities market in the national economy has risen significantly, and is increasingly becoming the most important place for investment and financing and for realizing the optimal allocation of social resources. It is of great significance to maintain the stable and healthy development of the securities market to promote the sound and rapid development of the national economy. However, China's securities market is still in the stage of development, there are many risk factors that lead to instability and even crisis, how to establish a scientific and systematic security market crisis warning system, So as to prevent and resolve the securities market crisis is increasingly attracting academic and industry attention. This paper expounds the concept and connotation of stock market crisis warning, probes into the internal and external sources and transmission mechanism of securities market crisis, and on this basis describes and analyzes the general situation of the development and risk situation of China's securities market. Then, it designs the index and method of stock market crisis warning model from three aspects: crisis definition, index selection and method selection. On the one hand, the ratio of average price-earnings ratio to standard price-earnings ratio of securities market is taken as the criterion to judge the crisis state, and early warning index is selected from macro, market itself and micro level. On the other hand, the early warning model of securities market crisis based on Logistic regression is constructed, and some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to prevent and resolve the securities market crisis. The results of empirical analysis show that the accuracy of the model has reached 94.70.The model has passed the validity test, inflation rate change, market interest rate, exchange rate change range, Hong Kong stock market index rate of return. Market average price-earnings ratio, market average turnover rate, IPO average underpricing level and the proportion of specially treated enterprises to the total number of listed companies are significantly related to the possibility of the crisis, and the securities market crisis is a macro factor. Market factor and micro factor and so on many factors work together the result.
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